15 Hottest Freshmen: All Summer Long

New hot format, classic hot feature. In the 12th annual 15 Hottest Freshmen, FM brings you the freshest picks of ...
By FM Staff

New hot format, classic hot feature. In the 12th annual 15 Hottest Freshmen, FM brings you the freshest picks of the freshman class. You'll be missing them all summer long.

Caspar W. Jopling

Hania S. Chima

Matt S. Brown

Alex J. Velez-Green

Morgan E. Kelly

Guy D. Pawson

Michelle E. Matsuba

Rina A. Kuusipalo

Jonny K.S. Tan

Sabrina L. Hahn

Will A. Brophy

Dany Jradi

Eric R. Brewster

Nicole R. Delany

Rachel E. Davidson

ScrutinyFifteen Hottest