Ideas For BoardPlus Spending


Done with exams but not done with BoardPlus? Read on for Flyby's tips to finish up any leftover BoardPlus, whether you want to share the wealth or stock up for the summer.

Chow Down:

Pizza, Greenhouse Café - $11.99/pie plus $.99/topping

Who needs the upper crust when you could bring a delicious HUDS pizza pie back to your blockmates? Savor the salty, greasy taste of no-time-for-lunch one last time before summer.

An Entire "Cake", Lamont Café - $15.92/cake

If you're a baller with $16, get yourself eight individual slices of goodness appropriate for eating loudly during finals, impressing the girl across the hall, or throwing into your roommate's face.

Paper Cups, Lamont Café - $.25/cup

No need to drink wine out of the box if you've got cups! The upside of Lamont's policy of charging for water cups is that you can buy them with BoardPlus. Long walks to CVS are a thing of the past.

Stock Up:

Odwalla Bars, Lamont Café/Greenhouse - $2.50/bar

Trying to save money this summer? Invest in Odwalla bars. Tasty from anywhere in the world, you can avoid the unusual tastes of non-HUDS food while savoring a sweet and salty peanut bar.

Orbit Gum, Greenhouse - $1.75/pack

Be the envy of the airplane and buy yourself some swanky gum. Greenhouse even sells 12 packs. Just don't chew it all at once.

Red Bull, Lamont Café/Greenhouse - $2.79/can

Finals or not, Red Bull is your friend. In both regular and sugar-free varieties, this study aid moonlights as a drink mixer. The French rap group La Fouine has even commemorated "La Vodka et la RedBull" in a soulful ballad.

Food and DrinkSummerLamont

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