Kopp a Feeling

By Sam H. Koppelman

Shut Down Harvard Football

Last week, Andre Smith hit his head on the final play of his Illinois high school’s football game. He got up, walked off the field, and made his way to the sideline. Then, he collapsed. The following morning, he died as the result of “blunt force head injuries due to a football accident.” He was 17 years old.

Smith’s death marks the 11th time a high school student has died as the result of a football related injury this year alone.

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A Begrudging Case for 'That Kid On Your Newsfeed'

There’s almost nothing more annoying than “that kid on your newsfeed.”

You know who I’m talking about: that dude who promotes the cause of the day on social media, signs online petitions, and embraces the title of Social Justice Warrior, even though the closest thing to a war he’s ever engaged in constitutes the exchange of few nasty Facebook comments.

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​Change We Can Believe In: The Boehner Edition

It’s a brisk day in March 2008, and I’m going door-to-door in Pennsylvania clamoring for prospective voters to support Senator Barack Obama. I have done extensive research, know the nitty-gritty of each candidate’s policies, and relentlessly—perhaps even petulantly—insist that the people I encounter come aboard the campaign.

The thing is: I’m 12-years-old, have a voice the pitch of Mariah Carey’s 5th octave, and am being followed by my mother, who, I insist to the Pennsylvanians, is only there as my means of transportation.

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​In Defense of The Harvard Douche

Harvard students, by definition, benefit from exclusivity.

No matter how egalitarian you are in principle, attending an institution with a 5.3 percent acceptance rate automatically makes you more “The Plastics” than “The Bolsheviks.”

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