Drinky-Drink: Harvard-Yale

With Harvard-Yale weekend rapidly approaching, students from both universities are gearing up for fun, festivities, and friendly(ish) competition. Although the game is formally billed as the highlight of the weekend, for many of us it really only exists as a nominal excuse for the ensuing drinking, debauchery, reunions with Yale friends and frenemies, and, if you’re me, repeated nostalgic YouTube viewings of Tom Lehrer’s infamous satirical fight song. To keep up morale throughout the weekend, Flyby has come up with a guide to maximizing your celebratory spirit if you choose to imbibe. Whether or not you decide to make alcohol part of your weekend (or most of it), be responsible, enjoy, and stay safe on the mean streets of New Haven.

1. The Crimson Cocktail.

Prior to leaving Harvard on Friday, indulge in an afternoon Crimson Cocktail (2 oz gin, ½ oz ruby port, 2 tsp fresh lime juice, 1 tsp grenadine syrup). This could be your last opportunity to enjoy a classy and civilized drink before we are forced to gulp down whatever plebian offerings the barbarians in New Haven are likely to prefer. Extra points if you drink this out of a crystal tumbler with your ring-adorned pinky finger in air while telling everyone how much you love going to Hah-vahd (in a British accent). When things get a little sloppy later that night you’ll want to assure everyone you go to Yale, so for now, revel in your Crimson pride while still on native ground.

2. The Party Shuttle.

Despite the fact that we’re the ones on the road this year, there are several easy ways to let the good times roll along with you. Flyby has an easy solution: bring a flask on the bus. This allows you to simultaneously enjoy the ride and ration your intake due to its pre-allotted portion*. We recommend passing the time with classic road trip games: I Spy, 99 Bottles of Beer, etc. updated with strategic drinking rules.

*Although we advocate drinking the way we advocate voting (early and often), there’s a fine line between lively bus drinking games and spending the ride in the bus bathroom vomiting into a plastic bag. Drink safely.

3. Bulldog Gin.

When you arrive on Yale’s campus, your first move should be to buy a bottle of Bulldog Gin. Your second should be to promptly pour it out. Bonus points if you do this while cackling gleefully and shouting the Latin lyrics to Harvard’s fight song. If you can’t remember them, just make them up, and if you don’t know Latin, any raucous impressions of the marching band will do. Although we at Flyby decry the waste of any food—or worse, alcohol—ancient Harvard lore dictates that this ritual sacrifice helps ensure a Harvard victory at the Game. (Okay, so Bulldog Gin was actually founded recently, but whatever. I’m trying to make it a thing.)

4. Toad’s.

If you haven’t yet figured out the place to be Friday night at Yale, I’ll let you in on the secret now: Toad’s. From the sound of it, Yale really has only one option for socializing together with everyone in a fun and non-exclusive space. I know—lame—right? Harvard has so many non-exclusive social spaces on campus, such as...wait…uh, never mind. Anyway, not being experts on the Yale drinky-drink scene, Flyby can’t offer much in the way of predictions as to what you’ll be imbibing in this foreign territory. We say let your adventures lead you where they will, and if you find yourself in a laundry room late at night, you’ll know what to do. When in New Haven…

5. Water and Beer.

Before you crash in whichever Gothic castle—I mean, “residential college”—you find yourself in this weekend, be sure to down a few extra glasses of water since you’ll need to rally bright and early on Saturday. For the game, however, drink suggestions hardly seem necessary. Everyone knows beer and football go together like a Harvard rejection letter and Yale matriculation. As you make your way around the Yale Bowl, you’ll inevitably end up with a beer (or ten), but try to find your preferred tailgate early on before you end up disoriented and reminiscing about the Eisenhower administration with the Harvard Class of 1950 tailgate.

6. The Victory Toast.

Amid the post-game chaos and lack of cell phone reception, as you recover your friends and possessions and make your way back to Cambridge, you’ll likely not be enthused at the idea of more alcohol. If you’re feeling well enough, though, be sure to save some brain cells to be consumed by the final drinky-drink of the weekend—a victory toast. Fall asleep on the bus to the sound of popping champagne corks, safe on the northbound I-95 and content in the knowledge that the Game has been won, Thanksgiving approaches, and all is right in the world—at least for the moment.

Food and DrinkYaleFlyby Culture

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