Congratulations on Walking to Class!

You can pat yourself on the back each morning as you make the trek from Thayer to Sever Hall. With each step you take, you're doing your part to help make Harvard a little greener.

In The Princeton Review's recently released Guide to 322 Green Colleges, Harvard once again received a score of 99 out of a possible 100, earning it a place among the 21 "greenest" schools (those that received the coveted 99) among the hundreds of colleges for which they tallied green scores.

Where did that very solid score (even when adjusted for grade inflation) come from? Well, partially you. According to the Guide, "Not all changes are coming from the top. Of all students on campus, 97 percent take an alternative means of transportation to class each day."

So this is just a PSA from Flyby to say that when you walk to class, you are taking one for the team that is Harvard's public image, and also just generally helping make the world a better place. Even the polar bears thank you.

No need to park the car in Harvard Yard; but the electric-powered fuel cell car is probably fine.

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