Back to School Solicitations

The duo at work.
The duo at work.

Welcome back to Listen Up! It’s been a long summer, and we’ve missed all you readers—almost as much as you’ve missed us. Your trusted Flyby advisers—two uniquely unqualified, naïve, decidedly uninteresting juniors—are back from summer to answer your questions. To kick-off the year, we are preparing a special Back to School edition of Listen Up!, and to do that, we need your help.

For all of you incoming freshmen unfamiliar with our work, we are Harvard’s premier advice gurus consulting students on everything from their ailing love lives to troubles with their TFs (that’s teaching fellows for the uninitiated). Last spring, students submitted over 150 questions. We meticulously analyzed each and every question on their merits, consulted with experts, and wrote cogent, well-thought out, awe-inspiring, even life-saving responses to 31 of those questions. Nobody on campus can do what we do, not even your PAFs (those are the “super cool” people wearing matching T-shirts when you move in). So whether you are concerned about your roommate with a T-rex as their profile picture, nervous about sipping your first beer, or anxious about becoming too close with Professor Greg Mankiw when you take Ec 10, send us your questions here.

For everyone else, just keep doing what you’ve been doing for the past year, reaching into the depths of your soul and asking the questions that truly matter.

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again. Harry had Dumbledore. Luke had Yoda. Bieber had Usher. The Karate Kid had Mr. Miyagi. And now, you have us.

Wax on, wax off,
Dev and Steven

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