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Monkey See, Monkey Do

Many might argue that Washington has enough apes of its own, though at least ours refrain from throwing trash and relieving themselves in public areas.

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A More Useful Driver's Ed

It has been known for a long time now that snowfall greatly enhances the dangers of driving.

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Much Ado about Nothing

I am proud to say the only substantial accomplishment I’ve achieved this break has been finishing the entire series of “Desperate Housewives."

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Anthropomorphism Versus Irrational Fear

Because many humans do not understand animal behavior, they tend to anthropomorphize certain species, cooing at their adorable appearances, and write off others as dangerous killers, perhaps influenced by films such as Jaws and Anaconda.

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Lonely at Harvard?

Harvard is an especially difficult place to talk about feeling socially unfulfilled, because Harvard is the one place where we feel we have no right to be isolated.

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Harvard's Cultural Explorer

Dr. Counter’s enduring legacy will be the students touched by his kindness and those he urged to believe in themselves and value their heritage.

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In Your Own Backyard

Five minutes later, I hung up, the queasy feeling in my stomach moving upward through my chest. I couldn’t process the conversation.

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Is the War on Drugs Over?

Legalization advocates, therefore, are feeling optimistic: Many expect full legalization, at least for marijuana, within a few years. This euphoria is understandable, but premature.

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When Madness Stares Us in the Face

When madness stares us in the face, we ought to have the courage to look back.

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Referendum Relevance

The administration is much more likely to address a demonstration of a detailed cost-benefit analysis coupled with a practical and possible policy proposal than it is seriously to consider a single-sentence statement of support.

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In Defense of A-Rod

If MLB truly believes that steroids pervert the sanctity of baseball, it needs to reflect that belief with penalties that fit the crime.

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A Just Boycott for Palestinian Rights

We find Israeli academic institutions to be complicit in Palestinian oppressions and limitations to education.

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If Rejection Letters Could Talk

Given the current professional climate, we might be better off treating our rejection letters as wake-up calls.

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On Bacteria and Brilliance

Often the most interesting problems are right under—or in—our noses.

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Necessary Cuts

The Pentagon’s massive back-office contains 800,000 civil servants, 536,000 active duty military personnel who are never deployed, and 700,000 contractors.
