
Alixandra E. Smith

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Hollywood Blackout

It has been 50 years since Edmund H. North, then a young member of the Writers Guild of America (WGA),

Money Talks

With the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform bill finally up for debate in the Senate next week, the nation's attention has

Not Easy Being Green

In a presidential campaign where the candidates were often criticized for being virtually indistinguishable from one another, there was one

Pardon Me Please?

Former president Clinton swept out of office last month in a whirlwind eerily akin to the one he deposited on

Taking the (Web) Test

In the cold light of a slushy Boston winter, the first reading/exam period of the new millennium is finally drawing

Packaging the Presidency

Ahh, wintertime. In our materialistic society, 'tis the season for conspicuous consumption. As the leaves crunch underfoot and the air

Only Ourselves to Blame

Fear not: This column will in no way attempt to lend significance to the sound and fury currently emanating from

Cooking Up A Storm

On Sunday, as the clanging of the radiators shook Harvard students from their sleep with the announcement that another brutally

Barlet for President in 2000

As a pseudo-New Yorker and an American of voting age, public television this Tuesday night should have been nothing less