
Kevin J. Paik

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Jesse Gordon is in the running to become Cambridge City Councillors in Tuesday’s election. He will face all nine incumbents through Cambridge’s idiosyncratic voting system.


Nassira D. Nicola ‘05, left, and Michael A. Feldstein ‘07 sing a song from Les Miserables at the Open Mic kickoff for Gaypril yesterday in Boylston Hall. Gaypril is a month-long program aimed at raising awareness of BGLT issues.

Taha Abdul-Basser ’96 speaks last night in Yenching Auditorium on the common threads of Islamic and African-American culture.

IOP Director Phil Sharp, left, moderates a panel discussion, “Redistricting: Impact on Democracy,” about voter representation and redistricting across the nation with Iowa’s Secretary of State Chet Culver and Boskey Professor of Law Lani Guinier.