
James M. Fallows

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Books on the Draft Survival Manuals

$1.95.$1.$1.50. They wrote in the old days that it is sweet and fitting to die for one's country. But in

Books The Harvard Strike

Houghton Mifflin: $6.95 hardbound, $3.95 paperback. AS THE ??? ??? of Harvard Strike ??? ?? into bookstores around town, ???

Carmichael Attacks White Radicals For Causing Repression of Blacks

America's white radicals are leading the country into fascism, black revolutionary Stokely Carmichael told a gasping crowd at Wellesley yesterday.

Books Tales of Hoffman

286 pages, $1.50 WHILE the Chicago conspiracy trial has casily taken its place on the list of Decisive Political Events


?????veral copies of recen: CRIM ? into the Mississippi Delta. a ? mnus now living in Greenville ? to a

Civil Rights Agency Investigates Two More Middle South Utilities

A federal civil rights agency has completed an investigation of the hiring practices of two Southern utility companies in which

Mississippi Power and Light: Confidential Study Shows 4.5% Black Work Force

Figures collected by the Federal enrolment in a study last year offer new information on the hiring policies of one

GMProxy Fight May Point Way To Wider Investment Questions

While Harvard may have made its final decision on the General Motors stockholders' challenge, the University's billion dollar endowment may

Black Southern Farmers Need Money To Buy Land in Mississippi for Co-Op

By the time the Southern weather turns warm at the end of this month, farmers in Mississippi and Alabama will