
John A. Herfort

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Humphrey's Quest for the Presidency Suggests New Democratic Alignments

Vice President Humphrey's formal entrance Saturday into the Presidential campaign suggested that the old ethnic and regional differences which once

Booters Beat Brown, 2-0, For Freshman Supremacy

A strong freshman defense stopped Brown cold, and Pete Bogovich and Solomon Gomez scored a goal apiece for a 2-0

A moderate is cautious about University withdrawal: "Students have little conception of what might happen..."

M OST STUDENTS don't have to wrack their brains when they gripe about Harvard. They complain--often nonchalantly--about parietal rules, course

The Faculty's Stern Decision

( The following represents the opinion of a minority of the Editorial Board. The majority opinion appeared in yesterday's Crimson)

Dow and the Faculty

The sit-in last Wednesday that imprisoned a Dow Chemical Corp. recruiter in a Malinckrodt conference room for seven hours was,

Dean Griswold Appointed Solicitor General

Erwin Nathaniel Griswold, 13th Dean of the Law School, will be the next Solicitor General of the United States, President

TOPICS: Anti-communism and Munich

T HERE IS a good deal of argument these days over the relevance and validity of the Munich analogy. Dean

War Protest at Harvard Shifts To Radical-Moderate Coalition

L AST spring, the war in Vietnam was the subject for a genuine debate on foreign policy among most Harvard

War Protest at Harvard Shifts To Radical, Moderate Coalition

Last spring, the war in Vietnam was the subject for a genuine debate on foreign policy among most Harvard students.