
David M. Rosenfeld

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Character Assassination

T HERE ARE SOME WRITERS who seem quite fund of the characters they create. Paul Theroux, on the other hand,

Cruising for a Bruising

S tephen King's characters live in places like Libertyville, Penn., and travel to Pittsburgh for a special trip. They drink

The Cookie Jar

O NE of the stock pledges of the Washington-bound reformer. Democratic of Republican, is to trim the "fat" and stop

Cleaning Up The Mess

L IKE THE POISON that spreads invisibly from underground toxic waste dumps into our drinking water, the various facets of

Concrete Culture

I N THE PIONEER DAYS, when most people lived in the countryside, the trip to town for supplies was a

Sharing The Castle's Riches

The Undergraduate Council this year became the first student group at Harvard officially charged with doling out grants to student

Still Fighting

O N THE OCCASION of the first successful atomic explosion, J. Robert Oppenehimer wrote, "At last physics has known sin.

Registration Will Be Easy This Spring

Harvard undergraduates accustomed to unraveling a gnarl of red tape at registration will find their sojourn in Memorial Hall considerably

Mem Hall Beckons: Registration Looms For Upperclassmen

Upperclassmen who have been gradually trekking back to Cambridge this week and to their houses, which have been open since