
David A. Plotz

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Mau-Mauing the Spin Doctors

W ITH JERRY BROWN attracting 30 percent of the Democratic primary vote in New York with a political campaign against

Sin-thesizing Your Thesis

I T IS ABOUT THE TIME the sky-blue Macintosh screen begins looking like the color of a mountain climber dead

One National Point of Light

A S GEORGE BUSH attempts to fill his 1000-member army by drafting a new point of light every day, as

Richochet Mixes Senseless Violena With Gratuitous Sex A Good Night Out

IT'S FAIRLY SAFE to say that any movie whose opening night audience consists of two reviewers and a 15-year old

They're Not OK, We're OK

It's Channel 2 in San Francisco, Channel 29 in Toronto, Channel 32 in Chicago, Channel 24 in Milwaukee, Channel 5

Separate And Unequal Academies

A H, TO be a first-year student again--the scum at the bottom of the academic pond. At an undergraduate seminar

'Politically Correct' Thought Control

W E HARVARD students like to think of ourselves as the intellectual elite, the future movers and shakers and president

Waste of Space

T HE Lampoon is a rich organization that throws lavish parties. We all know this. The Crimson should not need

Love's Labor Won

Brave and Crazy By Melissa Etheridge Island Records, 1989 Judging from her latest album Brave and Crazy, Melissa Etheridge has