

Robert J. Samuelson

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CAMBRIDGE: The Spectre of Total Change

C AMBRIDGE has entered a period of significant change, the City's six square miles are crammed with an incredible variety

LBJ Signs Draft Law Cutting Graduate 2-S

WASHINGTON, D.C., Jun. 31--President Johnson signed into law today a new Selective Service act which, in practice, is almost identical


But Cambridge is not only facing a period of major and uncertain physical change. It is also experiencing less obvious,

Cambridge and the Inner Belt Highway: Some Problems are Simply Insoluble

I. The Inner Belt has been discussed, debated, and damned in Cambridge for the good part of two decades. No

Price Says Doves Have No Reason Not to Serve

The Rev. Charles P. Price '41, the University Preacher, delivered his first full-length sermon on the Vietnamese War yesterday and

800 Will Honor John Finley Tonight For 25 Years as Eliot House Master

Eight hundred students, alumni, and Faculty will gather on the floor of the Palmer Dixon tennis courts this evening to

CCA Confusion

A Cambridge mavor, criticized about poor snow removal in the late 1930's, responded, "God put the snow there--let Him take

Cambridge Loses New Health Boss; Improvement Program Faces Delay

Dr. Paul O'Rourke '44, the man selected to become the first head of the city's new Department of Health, Hospitals,

Judge Denies A Jury Trial In Land Suit

The Middlesex Superior Court has denied a jury trial to a group being sued by the University. The jury trial

Cambridge City Council OK's Budget; Record $30.5 Million Prompts Battle

The Cambridge City Council fought for more than two hours yesterday over the City's new budget -- the largest in

Monro's Altruistic Instinct Influenced Career Change

I. When John U. Monro leaves University Hall in July, he will not simply be closing out a whole portion

Cambridge Police Begin Square Button Struggle

Cambridge police have begun a lowkey campaign to cut down on the sale of buttons they consider to be obscene

Former N.Y.C. Health Commissioner Proposes New Mental Health Center

Dr. Leona Baumgartner, the former Commissioner of Health of New York City who just completed a survey of Cambridge health

A Year in The Life of a University: Sorting Out the Significant Events

Most of the University community was still vacationing last September when Harvard and the John F. Kennedy Memorial Library announced

McLaughlin Asks City to Undertake Renewal Project in Harvard Square

The Cambridge City administration was strongly urged last night to move swiftly towards adopting an urban renewal program for the
