
Christopher J. Farley

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Bullets and Bonzo

T HIS SUMMER in South Africa a Black boy was standing in his room as the police were breaking up

A Sweet Cherry Moon

Under the Cherry Moon Directed by Prince At Harvard Square T here are some movies you know are going to

On the March in Washington

"W E'RE GOING TO fight for your rights," Rick said. I was at the Wellesley College student grill with my

Well, Happy Birthday

W ELL, happy birthday, Dr. King. "We oppose the use of quotas. We want a color-blind society. A society, that

Bang, Bang

"You're a funny guy--that's why I m going to kill you last." --Colonel Matrix, Commando. S OMETIMES, WHEN YOU'RE in

Rusty Rhapsody

I T SHOULD HAVE been obvious from the billing. "Rex O'Herihan," pronounced the ad for Rustler's Rhapsody. "To a lawless

Throwing the Hatchet

D URING THE 1984 ELECTION, more than 60 percent of Jewish voters picked Reagan. In response, Reagan announced during this

Parochial Moorings Don't Bog Down

C OSMOPOLITANISM Assimilation Work within the system if you want to get anywhere. Black students--as well as other minorities--have heard

The Rock Concert Blues

SO YOU WANT TO see Bruce Springsteen? You call up the local ticket office. Sure, they have ticket. They are