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Examinations begin at 9.15 a. m., except those specially announced below for 2 p. m. Examinations must not extend beyond three hours.
Regulations: "No student is permitted to take any books or papers into the examination room except by express direction of the instructor. No communication is permitted between students in the examination room on any subject whatever."
"A student who is not in the examination room within five minutes after the hour appointed for the examination shall not be admitted without permission of the instructor or of the officer in general charge of the examinations."
The daily exercises in all courses will be suspended from (and including) Wednesday, Jan. 22, to Saturday, Feb. 8.
Wednesday, Jan. 22.Greek E Sever 35.
Greek F Sever 35.
Greek 3 Sever 35.
Greek 7 Sever 35.
Philosophy 6 Div. Lib.
Engineering 3a U. E. R.
Engineering 6b Sever 35.
Thursday, Jan. 23.Sanskrit 4 U. E. R.
Latin 7 U. E. R.
Latin 9 U. E. R.
German 5 U. E. R.
Italian 1 Upper Mass.
Economics 3 Upper Mass.
Mathematics D Upper Mass.
Engineering 4a Upper Mass.
Friday, Jan. 24.English 9 U. E. R., Upper Mass.
German 8 Sever 35.
German 9 Sever 35.
French 1c Sever 29, 30.
Government 5 Sever 35.
Fine Arts 2 U. E. R.
Mathematics 19 Sever 35.
Chemistry 4 Sever 35.
At 2 p. m.Philosophy 18 U. 4.
Saturday, Jan. 25.Semitic 12 Upper Dane.
Greek C Sever 29, 30.
Latin 11 Sever 35.
German 1a Sever 17, 18.
French 1b U. E. R., U. 4.
French 7 Sever 35.
Italian 4 Sever 35.
Philosophy 9 U. 16.
Philosophy 16
History 6 Upper Mass.
History 12 Upper Mass.
Economics 7 Sever 5.
Mathematics F Harvard 5, 6.
Mathematics 14 Harvard 6.
Engineering 2c L. S. S. 4.
Engineering 5a Lower Dane.
Mineralogy 12 Lower Dane.
Monday, Jan. 27.Latin E Upper Dane.
English 3 Upper Mass.
German 4 U. E. R.
French 2a Upper Mass.
Spanish 1 Upper Mass.
Philosophy 10 Harvard 5.
History 8 Harvard 5.
Government 13 Harvard 5.
Economics 5 Lower Dane.
Engineering 2a Harvard 6.
Engineering 4c Harvard 6.
Physics C Sever 35.
Tuesday, Jan. 28.Greek B Sever 29, 30.
German 2 U. E. R.
Germ. Phil. 13 U. E. R.
Philosophy 2a U. E. R.
History 2 Harvard 6.
History 11 Harvard 5.
Government 8 Lower Dane.
Architecture 1a Lower Dane.
Mathematics 6 Lower Dane.
Engineering 7a U. 4.
Chemistry 1 Upper Mass., Sever 35, 32.
Chemistry 6 U. 4.
Geology 15
Physiology 2 U. 4.
At 2 p. m.Geology 4 Geol. Lect. Room, U. E. R., Sever 35.
Wednesday, Jan. 29.English 17 Upper Mass.
Physics B Upper Mass.
Zool. 7 Upper Mass.
Thursday, Jan. 30.Class. Phil. 22 Lower Dane.
English 1 U. 4.
French 6 Sever 35, 32.
History 18 Lower Dane.
Economics 1 Geol. Lect. Room, U. E. R., Upper Mass.
Mathematics 11 Lower Dane.
Physics 6 Sever 29.
Chemistry 5 Sever 30.
Geology 8 Lower Dane.
At 2 p. m.History 1 Sever 35, U. E. R., Upper Mass., Up. and Low. Dane.
Friday, Jan. 31.Semitic 16 Lower Dane.
Sanskrit 1 Lower Dane.
Latin F Lower Dane.
Class. Phil. 41 Lower Dane.
English 14 U. 16.
German 6 Sever 5.
Philosophy 1 Sever 35, U. E. R., Upper Mass.
Philosophy 12 U. E. R.
History 15 Upper Dane.
Economics 2 U. 4.
Fine Arts 1 Harvard 5, 6.
Architecture 2b Architectural Bldg.
Mathematics A Sever 17, 18.
Mathematics C Sever 30.
Mathematics 3 Sever 29.
Chemistry 9 Sever 29.
Botany 2 Geol. Lect. Room.
Saturday, Feb. 1.Semitic 15 Lower Dane.
Latin 2 Sever 17.
Latin 10 Upper Mass.
Class. Phil. 24 Lower Dane.
English 27 Lower Dane.
Philosophy 3 Upper Mass.
History 13 U. E. R.
Economics 10 U. E. R.
Mathematics 10 U. E. R.
Engineering 18a Sever 35.
Chemistry 8 Lower Dane.
Geology 10 U. E. R.
Military Science 1 Sever 35.
At 2 p. m.English A Sever 35, U. E. R. Upper Mass, Geol. Lect. Room, Upper and Lower Dane.
Monday, Feb. 3.Semitic 1 Sever 29.
Greek 1 Sever 29.
Latin A Sever 17.
Latin C Upper Mass.
Latin DII Upper Mass.
Latin 8 Sever 5.
Class. Phil. 45 Lower Dane.
English 23 Sever 6.
German 1b Upper Dane.
Germ. Phil. 16 Sever 5.
Spanish 2 Sever 18.
Spanish 3 Sever 18.
Philosophy 15 Harvard 6.
Philosophy 17
History 10 Sever 35, U. E. R.
Mathematics 2 Sever 23, 24.
Mathematics 5 Sever 24.
Mathematics 21 U. E. R.
Engineering 1c Lower Dane.
Engineering 16e Harvard 6.
Tuesday, Feb. 4.Semitic 3 Sever 18.
Latin 1 Sever 17.
Latin 6 Sever 18.
Class. Phil. 42 Harvard 5.
English 2 U. E. R.
English 11 Harvard 6.
English 29 Harvard 6.
German B Harvard 5.
French 2c Upper Mass. Lower Dane.
French 11 Sever 35.
Comp. Lit. 2 Sever 18.
History 9 Sever 35.
Architecture 1c Sever 30.
Mathematics 4 Sever 35.
Mathematics 7b Lower Dane.
Mathematics 8 Sever 35.
Engineering 1a Geol. Lect. Room.
Engineering 16c Sever 29.
Zoology 4 Sever 29.
Geology 2 Upper Dane.
Geology 3 Upper Dane.
Geology 14 Upper Dane.
Mineralogy 2 Univ. Mus. 9.
Wednesday, Feb. 5.German A Upper Mass. Sever 35, Harvard 5, 6.
French A U. E. R., U. 4.
Music 3 Harvard 5.
Thursday, Feb. 6.Latin 3 Sever 35.
German E Upper Mass.
German F Upper Mass.
German G Upper Mass.
Rom. Phil. 5 Upper Mass.
Government 10 Upper Mass.
Government 16 U. E. R.
Economics 6 U. E. R.
Music 1 Upper Mass.
Music 6 Upper Mass.
Chemistry B Sever 35.
Botany 3 Bot. Lab.
Friday, Feb. 7.Semitic 6 U. 4.
Greek 2 Sever 30.
Greek 6 Sever 29.
Class. Phil. 23 Sever 24.
English 28 Sever 5, 6.
German 3 Up. and Low. Dane.
German 10 Sever 24.
French 1a Sever 35.
French 9 Sever 23.
Rom. Phil. 3 Sever 18.
Comp Lit 1 Sever 18.
Philosophy 5 U. E. R.
Economics 9 Geol. Lect. Room.
Architecture 2a Architectural Bldg.
Mathematics 13 Upper Mass.
Mathematics 17 U. E. R.
Engineering 16a Sever 18.
Physics 1 Harvard 5, 6.
Physics 4 Harvard 6.
Zoology 1 Upper Mass.
Geology 13 Upper Mass.
Saturday, Feb. 8.Greek A Sever 30.
Greek 8 Sever 29.
Latin B Sever 17.
Latin DI Sever 23.
Class. Phil. 21 Sever 23.
German C Up. and Low. Dane.
German 1c Sever 5, 6.
German. Phil. 12 Upper Dane.
Italian 2 U. 4.
Rom. Phil. 4 U. 4.
Philosophy 13 Div. Lab.
History 5 U. 16.
Government 6 U. 4.
Economics 14 U. 4.
Fine Arts 3 U. E. R. Sever 35, Geol. Lect. Room, Upper Mass., Harvard 5, 6.
Mathematics 12 Sever 6.
Engineering 11a L. S. S. 1.
Zoology 3 Sever 18.
At 2 p. m.Government 1 Upper Mass., U. E. R., U. 4.
This list contains several changes in the rooms and the attention of students is called to the lists now posted on the official bulletin boards.
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