The following is a complete list of the winners of academic prizes and deturs for the year 1907-08, and of the holders of scholarships of the first and second groups for the current year:
Bowdoin Prizes.
Lee Simonson '09, First Prize for Undergraduates.
Clarence Dewey Britten '10, Second Prize for Undergraduates.
Jacob Loewenberg '10, Second Prize for Undergraduates.
Roy Wilson Follett '09, Second Prize for Undergraduates.
Edwin William Friend '10, Greek Prose.
Frederick Livesey '08, Latin Prose.
Lloyd William Brooke '09.
Benjamin Crocker Clough '11.
Godfrey Dewey '09.
Edwin Merrick Dodd, Jr., '10.
Albert Gould Eldridge '08.
Isaac Goldberg '11.
Roger Sherman Hoar '09.
Henry Hurwitz '08.
Joseph Levine '09.
Edmund Whitehead Ogden '10.
James Max Rosenthal '09.
Carl Schmidt '08.
Boylston Prizes for Elocution.
Thomas Charles O'Brien '09.
Otto Ludwig Martin Henry Lyding '09.
Henry Hurwitz '08.
David Rosenblum '08.
Marston Allen '08.
Pasteur Medal.
David Haar, LL.B., Sp.
Coolidge Debating Prizes.
Joseph Stancliffe Davis '08.
Henry Hurwitz '08.
Sargent Prize.
Edward Thomas Eyre Hunt '10.
Sales Prize.
Charles Omar McMahon '09.
Philip Washburn Prize.
Charles Milton Rogerson '09.
Bennett Prize.
Truman Kella Gibson, A.B., '08.
Ricardo Prize Scholarship.
Joseph Stancliffe Davis '08.
Lloyd McKim Garrison Prize.
Harford Willing Hare Powel, Jr., '09.
Jeremy Belknap Prize.
Chauncey Depew Snow '11.
Francis Boott Prize.
Philip Greeley Clapp '09.
Harvard Menorah Society Prize.
James Max Rosenthal '09.
Second Year Honors in the Classics.
Maurice Richard Flynn Sp.
Charles Harold Livingston '09.
Edward Grotrian Schauroth '10.
Frederick Snow Spurr '10.
Henry Longfellow Wilder '10.
Henry Thomas Schnittkind.
Herbert Wing, Jr.
Final Honors in the Classics.
Ralph Maurico Corson.
Philip Libby Eaton.
Frederick Livesey.
William John Nagle.
Dwight Nelson Robinson.
Final Honors in English.
Robert Emmons Rogers.
Final Honors in Geology.
Frederick Henry Lahee, A.B.
Final Honors in Literature.
Frederick Livesey.
Herbert Emanuel Johnson.
John Gilman D'Arcy Paul.
Final Honors in Mathematics.
Dunham Jackson.
Final Honors in Music.
Charles Louis Seeger, Jr.
Reginald Lindsey Sweet.
Final Honors in Romance Languages and Literatures.
Rupert Earle Loring Kittredge, A.B.
Benjamin Mather Woodbridge, A.B.
CLASS OF 1909.
Roger Adams.
Edward Ralph Belcher.
Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur.
Robert Wayne Byerly.
George Harold Edgell.
Harold Newcomb Hillebrand.
George Joseph Levy.
William Gardner Reed, Jr.
William Bergman Richards.
Fletcher Nichols Robinson.
William Greene Roelker.
Charles Milton Rogerson.
Lee Simonson.
CLASS OF 1910.
John William Stansbury Brady.
Chester March Cate.
Robert Winslow Gordon.
William Caspar Graustein.
Marcus Horblit.
Edward Thomas Eyre Hunt.
Robert Harrington Kent.
Charles Harold Livingston.
Dexter Perkins.
Roger Glade Rand.
Henry Thomas Schnittkind.
David Locke Webster.
Herbert Wing, Jr.
CLASS OF 1911.
Karl Irving Bennett.
Benjamin Crocker Clough.
Frank Erskine Crawford.
Frederick May Eliot.
Francis Dewey Everett.
Isaac Goldberg.
William Chase Greene.
Albert Philip Happel.
Francis Alley Hubbard.
Ralph Vincent Moody.
Joseph Murdoch.
Philip Curtis Nash.
Francis Solomon Wyner.
Robert Mann Johnson, A. B., 1908. Scholars of the First Group, 1908-09. R. Adams '09, John Harvard E. R. Belcher '09, Class of 1856 K. I. Bennett '11, Matthews J. W. S. Brady '10, John Harvard A. G. Brodeur '09, Price Greenleaf R. W. Byerly '09, John Harvard C. M. Cate '10, Price Greenleaf B. C. Clough '11, Price Greenleaf F. E. Crawford '11, Price Greenleaf G. H. Edgell '09, John Harvard F. M. Eliot '11, John Harvard F. D. Everett '11, Jacob Wendell C. Gallardo '09, Matthews I. Goldberg '11, Price Greenleaf R. W. Gordon '10, Bowditch W. C. Graustein '10, John Harvard W. C. Greene '11, John Harvard A. P. Happel '11, Bowditch H. N. Hillebrand '09, Lady Mowlson M. Horblit '10, Price Greenleaf F. A. Hubbard '11, Bowditch E. T. E. Hunt '10, Saltonstall *R. M. Johnson '08, John Harvard R. H. Kent '10, Price Greenleaf S. F. Kimball '09, Richard Augustine Gambrill R. L. Knowles '09, John Harvard G. J. Levy '09, Bowditch C. C. Lilly '09, Matthews C. H. Livingston '10, Bigelow O. G. Mayer '09, John Harvard R. V. Moody '11, Price Greenleaf J. Murdoch '11, Ruluff Sterling Choate P. C. Nash '11, Bowditch R. L. Niles '09, John Harvard L. B. Packard '09, Charles Wyman D. Perkins '10, Bowditch R. G. Rand '10, Price Greenleaf W. G. Reed, Jr., '09, John Harvard W. B. Richards '09, Bowditch F. N. Robinson '09, Morey W. G. Roelker '09, John Harvard C. M. Rogerson '09, John Harvard H. T. Schnittkind '10, Bowditch L. Simonson '09, John Harvard C. C. Webster '09, Class of 1856 D. L. Webster '10, John Harvard H. Wing, Jr., '10, William Samuel Eliot F. S. Wyner '11, Price Greenleaf Scholars of the Second Group, 1908-09. F. C. Alexander '10, Charles L. Jones E. S. Allen '09, Harvard College H. A. Allen '10, George Emerson Lowell S. L. Andrew '10, Harvard College E. Angell '11, Harvard College R. E. Bagnall '11, Harvard College W. H. Barber '11, Burr D. C. Barton '11, Daniel A. Buckley S. A. Beggs '10, Harvard College F. B. Biddle '09, Harvard College L. F. Black '09, Harvard College E. A. Boyden '09, Harvard College G. Bradford, 3d, '10, Harvard College R. E. Brady '09, Bassett F. A. Brewer '10, Harvard College L. W. Brooke '09, Class of 1883 T. J. Brown '10, Price Greenleaf Fund R. Brunel '11, Bright F. H. Burr '09, Harvard College F. P. Byerly '11, Harvard College W. G. Cameron '10, Price Greenleaf Fund D. Carb '09, Harvard College H. Caro '11, Rebecca A. Perkins T. L. Chao '09, Harvard College J. C. Chapin, A.B., '09, Class of 1877 D. MacG. Cheney '09, Harvard College D. B. Childs '10, Price Greenleaf Fund F. Ch'in '09, Harvard College P. G. Clapp '09, Harvard College K. McR. Clark '11, Henry Bromfield Rogers W. A. Cole '09, Markoe C. S. Collier '11, Harvard College W. W. Cook '11, 1-2 John Appleton Haven F. H. Cooke '10, Harvard College K. Costikyan '09, Harvard College M. W. Cox '11, Bowditch R. G. Crandall '09, Harvard College C. D. Crawford '11, Bright P. N. Crusius '11, Price Greenleaf Fund L. O. Cummings '10, Charles L. Jones C. Daniels '11, Harvard College L. L. Delafield, Jr., '09, Harvard College J. J. Desmond, Jr., '09, Harvard College G. Dewey '09, Harvard College J. E. Dewey '09, Burr E. M. Dodd, Jr., '10, Harvard College *L. A. Doggett '08, Harvard College W. F. Dolan '10, Bassett C. Dunham, 3d, '10, Harvard College R. P. Dunning '11, Harvard College J. W. Durgin '10, Price Greenleaf Fund W. A. Edwards '09, Harvard College L. F. Ellsbree '09, Lucy Osgood B. Emsley '11, Hilton F. A. Fallon '10, Price Greenleaf Fund E. P. Field '09, Harvard College J. W. Finkel '11, Howard Gardner Nichols M. R. Flynn '10, Charles L. Jones *Received the degree of Bachelor of Arts at the end of his Junior year, as a member of the class of 1908. R. W. Follett '09, Edward Russell J. H. Fraser '09, Harvard College A. C. Frost '09, Harvard College W. P. Fuller '10, Crowninshield H. B. Garland '10, Burr J. E. Garnsey '09, Harvard College A. H. Garside '11, Bowditch H. R. Gilbert '09, Slade H. P. Gilkey '09, Harvard College H. T. Gleason '09, Harvard College H. L. Goddard '10, George Emerson Lowell G. H. Godley '09, Harvard College H. Golden '10, Harvard College G. C. Good '09, Harvard College C. Gordon '09, Harvard College H. I. Gosline '09, Bowditch J. M. Groton '09, Harvard College J. A. Grover '09, William Reed G. R. Grua '09, Price Greenleaf Fund A. H. Gunn '11, Class of 1828 W. W. Hackman '09, William Whiting D. W. Hadley '10, Harvard College C. E. Hale '10, Harvard College B. D. Hall '09, Harvard College C. L. Hauthaway '10, Harvard College F. C. Haymond '11, Harvard College C. A. Herrick '10, Harvard College J. B. Herron '09, Bowditch M. V. Hitt '09, Harvard College R. S. Hoar '09, Harvard College P. W. Hobart '11, William Merrick R. S. Holmes '10, Harvard College R. Hornblower '11, Harvard College A. Horvitz '10, Bowditch J. W. Horwitz '10, Harvard College G. F. Hoysradt '09, Bowditch R. F. Hoyt '10, Harvard College R. S. Hubbard '11, Daniel A. Buckley W. Hunt '11, Burr A. A. Jenkins '09, Richard Manning Hodges A. S. Jones '09, Harvard College W. T. S. Jones '10, Harvard College I. S. Joseph '11, Harvard College H. M. Joy '11, Orlando Witherspoon Doe H. von Kaltenborn '09, Bowditch S. S. Kent '10, Sales T. S. Kenyon '11, Harvard College H. S. Knauer '11, Harvard College A. W. Lahee '11, Bright B. H. Lehman '11, Class of 1817 S. Leventall '11, Bowditch J. Levine '09, Harvard College G. W. Lewis '10, Harvard College P. R. Lieder '10, Charles L. Jones K. L. Lindsey '10, Harvard College W. Lippmann '10, Harvard College F. W. Loomis '10, Bowditch S. B. Luce, Jr., '09, Harvard College J. A. MacLaughlin '11, Sales H. P. McLaughlin '09, Harvard College F. B. McLeary '10, Class of 1841 C. O. McMahon '09, Bowditch I. R. Madge '11, Burr W. C. Marshall '11, Bright H. Y. Masten '10, Harvard College J. R. Moulton '11, Harvard College J. L. Murphy '09, Harvard College N. B. Nash '09, Matthews P. Newton '11, Bright L. M. Nichols '09, Bowditch S. T. H. Northcott '09, Harvard College H. M. Parshley '09, Class of 1814 H. M. Pitman '09, Harvard College W. V. Plummer '09, Harvard College H. E. Porter '09, Harvard College D. B. Priest '10, Price Greenleaf Fund E. W. Proctor '09, Charles L. Jones H. R. Rafsky '10, Bowditch H. Remillard '11, Price Greenleaf Fund S. D. Robbins '11, Walcott C. B. Roepper '10, Harvard College R. E. Rogers '09, Harvard College G. E. Roosevelt '09, Harvard College T. Roosevelt, Jr., '09, Harvard College J. M. Rosenthal '09, Harvard College H. J. Sachs '11, Harvard College E. G. Schauroth '10, Farrar F. Schenck '09, Harvard College J. K. Senior '11, Harvard College A. I. Shain '10, Charles L. Jones S. S. Sheip '09, Harvard College W. B. Shepard '11, 1-2 John Appleton HavenW. M. Shipman '10, Price Greenleaf FundA. T. Shohl '10, Harvard CollegeA. Simon '11, BigelowF. M. Simon '09, Harvard CollegeJ. Slepian '11, Class of 1835L. Smith '11, Benjamin Daniel GreeneC. D. Snow '11, BurrH. L. Somers '11, StoryS. Spring '10, Morey Willard BuckminsterF. S. Spurr '10, Harvard CollegeA. Strauss '09, Harvard CollegeA. C. Strunk '10, Harvard CollegeL. B. Struthers '10, BartlettL. H. Thayer '10, SewallR. S. Thompson '12, Dana Scholarship of the Class of 1852F. W. Tomkins, Jr., '10, MatthewsA. C. Townsend, Jr., '11, Harvard CollegeR. H. Townsend, '09, Harvard CollegeR. S. Tucker '11, Harvard CollegeP. D. Turner '09, Harvard CollegeL. Vold '10, CrowninshieldD. J. Walsh, Jr., '11, BassettM. M. Warren '10, SewallC. A. Whipple '09, KirklandH. L. Wilder '10, Price Greenleaf FundJ. B. Worcester '09, Walcot
W. B. Shepard '11, 1-2 John Appleton HavenW. M. Shipman '10, Price Greenleaf FundA. T. Shohl '10, Harvard CollegeA. Simon '11, BigelowF. M. Simon '09, Harvard CollegeJ. Slepian '11, Class of 1835L. Smith '11, Benjamin Daniel GreeneC. D. Snow '11, BurrH. L. Somers '11, StoryS. Spring '10, Morey Willard BuckminsterF. S. Spurr '10, Harvard CollegeA. Strauss '09, Harvard CollegeA. C. Strunk '10, Harvard CollegeL. B. Struthers '10, BartlettL. H. Thayer '10, SewallR. S. Thompson '12, Dana Scholarship of the Class of 1852F. W. Tomkins, Jr., '10, MatthewsA. C. Townsend, Jr., '11, Harvard CollegeR. H. Townsend, '09, Harvard CollegeR. S. Tucker '11, Harvard CollegeP. D. Turner '09, Harvard CollegeL. Vold '10, CrowninshieldD. J. Walsh, Jr., '11, BassettM. M. Warren '10, SewallC. A. Whipple '09, KirklandH. L. Wilder '10, Price Greenleaf FundJ. B. Worcester '09, Walcot