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New Courses for Second Half-Year


The following half-courses will be offered by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences for the first time during the second half-year. Several of the courses have been given during the first half-year in former academic years; these are Botany 10, Engineering 6c, English 50, English 55, German 15, and Philosophy 6. The subject matter of Botany 10 and Philosophy 6 has also been altered. Social Ethics 1 and Social Ethics 20b have formerly been given as whole courses. Fine Arts 8 and Fine Arts 20c replace Architecture 7b and Architecture 20b, respectively. Astronomy 4 has been divided into two half-courses, the second of which, Astronomy 4b, is offered during the coming half-year.

Anthropology 10. -- Archaeology and Ethnography of Mexico. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, at 11. Dr. Tozzer.

Astronomy 4b.--The Determination of Orbits. Leuschner's methods for orbits of any eccentricity; orbits of visual and spectroscopic binary stars. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, at 10. Dr. Duncan.

Botany 10.--Special Morphology of the Higher Vascular Plants, the Conifers, Gnetales, and Angiosperms. Laboratory practice, with lectures and demonstrations. Tuesday, Thursday, at 9. Professor Jeffrey, assisted by Mr. Hemenway.

Business 20c.--An Introduction to the Technique of Printing. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 4.30-6. Messrs. G. T. Andrew, H. L. Baker, A. E. Barter, J. C. Dana, E. B. Hackett, H. L. Johnson, C. C. Lane, A. D. Little, J. H. McFarland, A. F. MacKay, H. M. Plimpton, W. S. Timmis, J. A. Ullman, D. B. Updike, and W. B. Wheelwright.

Chemistry 17.--Special Topics in Advanced Organic Chemistry. Lectures and required reading. Tuesday, Thursday, hours to be arranged. Mr. Kelley.

Classical Archaeology 5.--Greek Numismatics. Twice a week, and a third hour at the pleasure of the instructor. Assistant Professor Chase.

Classical Philosophy 66.--Greek Culture in the Sixth Century B. C. Monday, Wednesday, and (at the pleasure of the instructor) Friday, at 2.30. Dr. Post.

Classical Philology 67.--Catullus and the Elegiac Poets. Tuesday, Thursday, at 3.30, and a third hour. Mr. Fobes.

Comparative Literature 34.--The Dramatic Works of Grilparzer, considered in their Relations to European Literature. Lectures and theses. Tuesday, Thursday, at 2.30. Assistant Professor W. G. Howard.

Comparative Literature 35. -- Life in the Middle Ages, as illustrated by Contemporary Literature. Lectures and Theses. Three times a week. Dr. Webster.

Economics 17. -- Municipal Finance. Monday, Wednesday, and (at the pleasure of the instructor) Friday, at 10. Dr. Huse.

Economics 28.--Insurance and Speculation. Tuesday, Thursday, and (at the pleasure of the instructor) Saturday, at 12. Professor Young, Leland Stanford Jr. University.

Education 1a.--The History of Education in Europe since the Reformation. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, at 9. Professor Cubberley, Leland Stanford Jr. University.

Education 3d.--The Theory of Statisti- cal Work and the Application of Statistical Method, to the Study of Educational Problems. Wednesday, Friday, at 10. Professor Cubberley, Leland Stanford Jr. University.

Education 20c. -- Seminary. Subject: The Evolution and Present Status of Education in Certain Selected States. Wednesday, 3.30-5.30. Professor Cubberley, Leland Stanford Jr. University.

Egyptology 3. -- History of Egypt. Twice a week. Assistant Professor Reisner.

Egyptology 4. -- History of Egyptian Art. Twice a week. Assistant Professor Reisner.

Egyptology 6.--Egyptian Archaeology. Twice a week. Assistant Professor Reisner.

Engineering 6c. -- Hydraulics, third course. Water Supply and Sewage Disposal. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, at 10, and Tuesday afternoon. Assistant Professor Hughes and Mr. Paige.

Engineering 16l. -- Alternating Currents. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, at 11. Professor Clifford and Mr. J. W. Davis.

Engineering 16m. -- Alternating Current Laboratory. Laboratory work, five hours on Wednesday. Mr. Crane and Mr. J. W. Davis.

Engineering 17c. -- Illumination and Photometry. Lectures, Monday, at 10; laboratory, two hours a week. Professor Kennelly and Mr. Healey.

Engineering 18a.--Power Station Design. Six hours a week. Professor Hollis, assisted by Mr. Ordway.

English 50.--Dryden and the Transition from the Seventeenth to the Eighteenth Century. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, at 9. Dr. Bernbaum.

English 55.--Tennyson. Monday, Fri-

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