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Dates and Places for Examinations Which Extend from January 23 to February 8.


Below is given the final order of mid-year examinations. Daily exercises in all courses end for the half-year on Wednesday, January 26 at 4.30 P. M. The examination period begins on Thursday, January 27, and ends Saturday, February 12.

All examinations not otherwise specified begin at 9.15 A. M., and must not extend beyond three hours.

Regulation: "No student is permitted to take any books or papers into the examination room except by express direction of the instructor. No communication is permitted between students in the examination room on any subject whatever.

"A student who is not in the examination room within five minutes after the hour appointed for the examination shall not be admitted without permission of the instructor or of the officer in general charge of the examinations." Thursday, January 27. (XVI) Architecture 3b,  Robinson Architecture 3c,  Robinson English A: Dr. Bernbaum's 1b, 2c, 5a,  Upper Mass. Mr. French's sect. 1a,  Sever 5 Mr. French's sect. 2b,  Sever 6: Prof. Gardiner's 2a, 3a, 4a,  Harvard 5, 6: Mr. Hersey's 1c, 4b, 5b,  Lower Mass. Mr. Lewis's Foreign sect.,  Harvard 5 Dr. Long's 1e,  Sever 29 Dr. Long's 4c,  Sever 30 Dr. Long's 5c,  Sever 35 Mr. McLeod's 1d,  Sever 17 Mr. McLeod's 2d,  Sever 18: Mr. McLeod's 4d,  Sever 23: Dr. Webster's 3b,  Upper Mass. Government 15,  Holden Government 19,  Holden Greek 15,  Sever 24 History A6,  Divinity Library History 21,  Sever 30 Land. Arch. 8,  Robinson Land. Arch. 9,  Robinson Music 7,  Holden Philosophy 14,  Sever 24 Semitic A14,  Divinity Library Friday, January 28. (XIII) Architecture 2b,  Harvard 5 Astronomy 5,  Astron. Lab. Business 11,  Sever 5 Business 35a,  Sever 5 Class. Philol. 34,  Sever 30 Comp. Lit. 1,  New Lecture Hall English 14,  Sever 35 French 1bIV, V,  Sever 36 German 25,  Sever 17, 18 Greek G,  Sever 24 History 13,  Upper and Lower Mass. Land. Arch. 6,  Robinson Latin BIV, V: Dr. Lockwood's sect.,  Sever 30 Dr. Webb's sect.,  Sever 29 Latin 2a,  Sever 29 Latin 10,  Harvard 5, 6 Mathematics 9,  Sever 24 Mining 7,  Harvard 5 Philosophy 6,  Lower Mass. Philosophy 18,  Sever 29 Physics C,  Zool. Lecture Room, Pierce 202, 209, 212 Physics 1,  Lawrence 1

Saturday, January 29. (XIV)Business 17,  HoldenEconomics 9a,  Lower Mass.Economics 14a,  Harvard 6Education 3b,  Harvard 5Engineering 4f,  Pierce 212French 3,  Lawrence 1German L,  Harvard 5History 38,  Harvard 5Mining 19,  Lawrence 1Music 1,  Pierce 209Philosophy A,  Upper and Lower Mass.Philosophy 15,  Harvard 5Semitic 17,  Lower Mass.Spanish 17,  Lawrence 1Monday, January 31. (V)Architecture 1a,  HoldenArchitecture 3a, sect. II,  RobinsonChemistry 1,  New Lecture Hall, Emerson D and JChemistry 6,  Lawrence 1Class. Philol. 23,  Sever 30Comp. Lit. 17,  Sever 24English 56,  Sever 30Economics 21,  Zool. Lecture Room, Pierce 202, 209, 212Geology 4,  Sever 35, 36German 2a,  Harvard 5, 6German 26a,  Sever 24History 2a,  Upper Mass.History 23a,  Sever 23History 45,  Sever 23Mathematics E,  Lower Mass.Mining 2,  Lawrence 1Music 3,  Lower Mass.Music 4a,  HoldenPhilosophy 13a,  Sever 29Philosophy 17,  Sever 29Physics B,  Sever 5, 6Physics 12,  Sever 6Social Ethics 4,  Harvard 5Zoology 17,  Zool. Lab. 4th fl. rm. 4Tuesday, February 1. (II)Anthropology 1,  New Lecture HallArchitecture 5a,  Sever 29Botany 2,  Zool. Lecture RoomChemistry 2,  Harvard 5, 6Comp. Lit. 25,  Sever 30Comp. Lit. 32,  Harvard 5Economics 16,  Lower Mass.Education 5a,  Upper Mass.English 1,  Lawrence 1Engineering 1c,  Fogg Lecture RoomEngineering 5f,  Pierce 212Engineering 5g,  Pierce 212Engineering 12b,  Pierce 209Engineering 17a,  Pierce 202Fine Arts 4,  Sever 17, 18Geology 8,  Pierce 202German 1aI,  Sever 24German 15,  Harvard 5Greek 9,  Sever 30History 1:Mr. Benton's 1a, 1b,  Sever 5Mr. Benton's 1c, 1d,  Sever 6Mr. Dale's 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d,  Upper Mass.Mr. Jones's 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d,  Lower Mass.Mr. Varrell's 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d,  Upper Mass.History 3a,  Zool. Lecture RoomHistory 18,  Sever 35, 36Italian 2,  Harvard 5Land. Arch. 10,  RobinsonLatin 12,  Sever 30Mathematics 7,  Sever 23Mining 26,  Pierce 212Music 2,  Lower Mass.Philosophy C,  Emerson DPhysics 6a,  Sever 30Semitic 1,  Sever 30Spanish 1VI,  Sever 23Wednesday, February 2 (I)Architecture 2a,  RobinsonArchitecture 4a,  RobinsonArchitecture 4b,  RobinsonArchitecture 4c,  RobinsonGreek E,  Harvard 5Greek 3,  Harvard 5Greek 7,  Harvard 5History 11a,  Harvard 6Mining 3,  Harvard 5Physics 2,  Jeff. Lab. 25Physics 5,  Jeff. Lab. 25Thursday, February 3, (XII)Chemistry 12,  Sever 24Class. Arch. 1a,  Sever 30Class. Philol. 50,  Sever 30Comp. Lit. 14,  Sever 36Comp. Lit. 31a,  Emerson DEconomics 1:Mr. Copeland's sections,  Harvard 5, 6Dr. Holcombe's sections,  Lower Mass.Dr. Huse's sections,  Zool. Lecture RoomMr. Sharfman's sections,  Upper Mass.Mr. Usher's sections,  Upper Mass.Economics 4,  Sever 17Education 3a,  Sever 18Engineering 8a,  Pierce 209Engineering 16g,  Pierce 202French 1bI, II, III,  Sever 35, 36French 8,  Sever 23German 17,  Sever 29Government 29,  Sever 23Greek BII,  Sever 29History 7,  Robinson 1st fl.History 33,  Harvard 6Italian 1,  Emerson JMathematics C,  Sever 5, 6Mathematics FII,  Fogg Lecture RoomMathematics 3,  Sever 24Mathematics 13,  Pierce 202Mineralogy 12,  Mineral. Lab.Mining 11,  Pierce 212Philosophy 7a,  Sever 18Scandinavian 1,  Sever 29Semitic A5,  Sever 17Semitic 4,  Sever 24Slavic 1b,  Sever 36Friday, February 4. (VIII)Chemistry 4,  Pierce 212Class. Philol. 24,  Lower Mass.French A,  Upper Mass.French 21,  Emerson DGeology 2,  Geol. Mus. rm. 43German A:Prof. Bierwirth's 7, 11,  Harvard 6Dr. Boesche's 8,  Harvard 6Mr. Hildreth's 3, 5,  Harvard 5Mr. Iberschoff's 10, 12,  Lower Mass.Dr. Lieder's 9,  Lawrence 1Mr. Pettingill's 1, 2,  Lower Mass.Dr. Stewart's 4,  Pierce 209Dr. Weber's 6,  Pierce 209Indic Phil.-4,  Warren HouseMathematics 17,  Pierce 212Mineralogy 10,  Mineral. Lab.Philosophy 4,  Emerson DSemitic 13,  Divinity LibrarySemitic 18,  Divinity LibraryZoology 14a,  Zool. Lab. 1st fl. rm. 2Saturday, February 5. (XI)Chemistry 11,  Sever 29Class. Philol. 39,  Sever 29Comp. Lit. 6a,  Sever 35, 36Economics 5,  Upper Mass.Economics 11,  Sever 30Education 2a,  Harvard 5, 6Engineering 1e,  Pierce 209Engineering 6c,  Lawrence 1Engineering 14b,  Pierce 209English 28,  Sever 6, Emerson JEnglish 41,  Lower Mass.Fine Arts 6,  Robinson 1st floorFrench 6,  Sever 23, 24French 6c,  Upper Mass.French 9,  Sever 24French 17,  Sever 18German 1aII,  Sever 5German 29,  Sever 17Government 14,  Sever 18Greek 2,  Sever 29Greek 6,  Sever 30Land. Arch. 7,  RobinsonMathematics 6,  New Lecture HallMathematics 24,  Sever 17Mathematics 32a,  Sever 18Music 4,  HoldenPhilosophy 11a,  Emerson DPhysics 4,  Lower Mass.Physics 11,  Lawrence 1Physiology 1,  New Lecture HallRom. Philol. 3,  Robinson 1st floorSlavic 2a,  Sever 18Social Ethics 1,  Emerson DZoology 1,  Zool. Lecture Room, Pierce 202, 212Zoology 12,  Zool. Lecture RoomMonday, February 7. (VI)Architecture 7a,  Harvard 5Economics 3,  Lower Mass.Engineering 3a,  Pierce 301Engineering 14a,  Pierce 209French 2aI, II,  Upper Mass.French 2CV,  Upper Mass.German 8,  Lawrence 1Government 4,  Harvard 6Mathematics A,  Harvard 5Netherlandish 1,  Lower Mass.Philosophy 23,  Harvard 5Slavic 4,  Lawrence 1Spanish 1I, II, III,  Upper Mass.2.30 P. M.Celtic 3,  Lower Mass.Tuesday, February 8. (X)Botany 3a,  Lawrence 1Botany 5,  University Museum 20Chemistry 5,  Emerson JClass. Philol. 31,  Sever 29Comp. Lit. 5,  Sever 30Comp. Lit. 30,  Sever 30Economics 6a,  Harvard 5, 6Economics 8a,  Emerson DEducation 1,  Lawrence 1Engineering 5b,  Pierce 202, 212Engineering 16a,  Pierce 209Engineering 16c,  Pierce 212English 39,  Emerson DFine Arts 3,  Sever 17, 23, 24French 1a,  Sever 35, 36German 1c,  Sever 18German 4,  Upper Mass.German 6,  HoldenGovernment 1:Mr. Ervin's sections,  Sever 5, 6Mr. Estes's sections,  New Lecture HallMr. Harrison's sections,  Lower Mass.Mr. Pollak's sections,  Lower Mass.Mr. Stephenson's sections,  Zool. Lecture RoomGovernment 28,  New Lecture HallGovernment 30,  Upper Mass.Greek 8,  Sever 29History 6,  Sever 29History 28,  New Lecture HallHistory A2,  Divinity LibraryItalian 3,  Sever 36Mathematics 22,  Emerson JSemitic 12,  Sever 18Slavic 1a,  Sever 36Spanish 2,  Sever 36Zoology 3,  Harvard 6Wednesday, February 9. (XV)Comp. Lit. 28,  Harvard 6Education 6a,  Lawrence 1Engineering 16d,  Pierce 209French 4,  Lower Mass.French 18,  Lower Mass.German F,  Harvard 5German G,  Lower Mass.German H,  Lower Mass.Government 16,  Harvard 6Latin 3,  Lawrence 1Latin 7,  Lawrence 1Philosophy 8,  Pierce 209Semitic A3,  Divinity LibrarySpanish 18,  Lower Mass.Thursday, February 10. (III)Anthropology 5,  HoldenArchitecture 1c,  Sever 5Botany 7,  Gray HerbariumCeltic 1,  Sever 30Class. Philol. 40,  Sever 24Class. Philol. 60,  Sever 17Comp. Lit. 9,  Sever 23Engineering 1a,  Pierce 209Engineering 7b,  Pierce 212Engineering 16f,  Pierce 212English 2,  Upper Mass.English 24,  Sever 35French 2aIII, IV, V, VI,  Fogg Lecture RoomFrench 2CI, II, III,  Harvard 5, 6French 12,  Sever 23Geology 19,  Geol. Museum rm. 43German B,  Sever 36German 2b,  Lower Mass.Greek A,  Sever 18Greek BI,  Sever 30History 12a,  New Lecture HallLand. Arch. 4,  RobinsonLand. Arch. 5,  RobinsonLatin 1,  Sever 17Latin 6,  Sever 18Mathematics 4,  Sever 24Mineralogy 2,  Mineralogical Lab.Music 6,  HoldenPhilosophy 12,  Sever 5, 6Zoology 4,  Zool. Lab. 4th floor, rm. 4Friday, February 11. (VII)Anthropology 2,  Upper Mass.Chemistry 9,  Upper Mass.Fine Arts 1,  Upper Mass.French 16,  Lawrence 1Government 17a,  Lower Mass.Government 21,  Upper Mass.History 19,  Lawrence 1Indic Philol. 1a,  Warren HouseIndic Philol. 9,  Lower Mass.Land. Arch. 11,  RobinsonLatin A,  Upper Mass.Latin E,  Upper Mass.Mathematics 25,  Lawrence 1Philosophy D,  Harvard 5Philosophy 10,  Harvard 6Saturday, February 12. (IV)Architecture 3a, section 1,  Robinson 2nd floorAstronomy 1,  Harvard 5Chemistry 3,  Harvard 6Class. Philol. 37,  Sever 18Class. Philol. 54,  Sever 18Economics 15,  Pierce 212Economics 18,  Upper and Lower Mass.Engineering 1b,  Pierce 202Engineering 3b,  Pierce 209Engineering 5a,  Pierce 212English 3a,  Fogg Lecture RoomEnglish 11a,  Sever 17English 29,  New Lecture HallFrench 2CIV,  Sever 6Geology A,  Zool. Lecture RoomGeology 1,  Geol. Museum rm. 43German C,  Lawrence 1German 1b,  Sever 36German 3,  Sever 5German 12a,  Sever 5Government 25,  HoldenGreek 1a,  Sever 18History 9,  Zool. Lecture RoomHistory 10a,  Emerson JHistory 24a,  Robinson 1st floorLand. Arch. 1,  Fogg Lecture RoomLand. Arch. 3,  RobinsonLatin B:Mr. Galbraith's section,  Sever 30Dr. Lockwood's section,  Sever 35Prof. Parker's section,  Sever 29Latin 8,  Sever 18Mathematics FI,  Sever 23, 24Mathematics 2,  Emerson DMathematics 5,  Sever 8Mining A,  New Lecture HallPhilosophy 16,  Pierce 202Philosophy 22,  Lawrence 7Spanish 1IV, V,  Lower Mass.Spanish 5,  Zool. Lecture Roo

Saturday, January 29. (XIV)Business 17,  HoldenEconomics 9a,  Lower Mass.Economics 14a,  Harvard 6Education 3b,  Harvard 5Engineering 4f,  Pierce 212French 3,  Lawrence 1German L,  Harvard 5History 38,  Harvard 5Mining 19,  Lawrence 1Music 1,  Pierce 209Philosophy A,  Upper and Lower Mass.Philosophy 15,  Harvard 5Semitic 17,  Lower Mass.Spanish 17,  Lawrence 1Monday, January 31. (V)Architecture 1a,  HoldenArchitecture 3a, sect. II,  RobinsonChemistry 1,  New Lecture Hall, Emerson D and JChemistry 6,  Lawrence 1Class. Philol. 23,  Sever 30Comp. Lit. 17,  Sever 24English 56,  Sever 30Economics 21,  Zool. Lecture Room, Pierce 202, 209, 212Geology 4,  Sever 35, 36German 2a,  Harvard 5, 6German 26a,  Sever 24History 2a,  Upper Mass.History 23a,  Sever 23History 45,  Sever 23Mathematics E,  Lower Mass.Mining 2,  Lawrence 1Music 3,  Lower Mass.Music 4a,  HoldenPhilosophy 13a,  Sever 29Philosophy 17,  Sever 29Physics B,  Sever 5, 6Physics 12,  Sever 6Social Ethics 4,  Harvard 5Zoology 17,  Zool. Lab. 4th fl. rm. 4Tuesday, February 1. (II)Anthropology 1,  New Lecture HallArchitecture 5a,  Sever 29Botany 2,  Zool. Lecture RoomChemistry 2,  Harvard 5, 6Comp. Lit. 25,  Sever 30Comp. Lit. 32,  Harvard 5Economics 16,  Lower Mass.Education 5a,  Upper Mass.English 1,  Lawrence 1Engineering 1c,  Fogg Lecture RoomEngineering 5f,  Pierce 212Engineering 5g,  Pierce 212Engineering 12b,  Pierce 209Engineering 17a,  Pierce 202Fine Arts 4,  Sever 17, 18Geology 8,  Pierce 202German 1aI,  Sever 24German 15,  Harvard 5Greek 9,  Sever 30History 1:Mr. Benton's 1a, 1b,  Sever 5Mr. Benton's 1c, 1d,  Sever 6Mr. Dale's 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d,  Upper Mass.Mr. Jones's 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d,  Lower Mass.Mr. Varrell's 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d,  Upper Mass.History 3a,  Zool. Lecture RoomHistory 18,  Sever 35, 36Italian 2,  Harvard 5Land. Arch. 10,  RobinsonLatin 12,  Sever 30Mathematics 7,  Sever 23Mining 26,  Pierce 212Music 2,  Lower Mass.Philosophy C,  Emerson DPhysics 6a,  Sever 30Semitic 1,  Sever 30Spanish 1VI,  Sever 23Wednesday, February 2 (I)Architecture 2a,  RobinsonArchitecture 4a,  RobinsonArchitecture 4b,  RobinsonArchitecture 4c,  RobinsonGreek E,  Harvard 5Greek 3,  Harvard 5Greek 7,  Harvard 5History 11a,  Harvard 6Mining 3,  Harvard 5Physics 2,  Jeff. Lab. 25Physics 5,  Jeff. Lab. 25Thursday, February 3, (XII)Chemistry 12,  Sever 24Class. Arch. 1a,  Sever 30Class. Philol. 50,  Sever 30Comp. Lit. 14,  Sever 36Comp. Lit. 31a,  Emerson DEconomics 1:Mr. Copeland's sections,  Harvard 5, 6Dr. Holcombe's sections,  Lower Mass.Dr. Huse's sections,  Zool. Lecture RoomMr. Sharfman's sections,  Upper Mass.Mr. Usher's sections,  Upper Mass.Economics 4,  Sever 17Education 3a,  Sever 18Engineering 8a,  Pierce 209Engineering 16g,  Pierce 202French 1bI, II, III,  Sever 35, 36French 8,  Sever 23German 17,  Sever 29Government 29,  Sever 23Greek BII,  Sever 29History 7,  Robinson 1st fl.History 33,  Harvard 6Italian 1,  Emerson JMathematics C,  Sever 5, 6Mathematics FII,  Fogg Lecture RoomMathematics 3,  Sever 24Mathematics 13,  Pierce 202Mineralogy 12,  Mineral. Lab.Mining 11,  Pierce 212Philosophy 7a,  Sever 18Scandinavian 1,  Sever 29Semitic A5,  Sever 17Semitic 4,  Sever 24Slavic 1b,  Sever 36Friday, February 4. (VIII)Chemistry 4,  Pierce 212Class. Philol. 24,  Lower Mass.French A,  Upper Mass.French 21,  Emerson DGeology 2,  Geol. Mus. rm. 43German A:Prof. Bierwirth's 7, 11,  Harvard 6Dr. Boesche's 8,  Harvard 6Mr. Hildreth's 3, 5,  Harvard 5Mr. Iberschoff's 10, 12,  Lower Mass.Dr. Lieder's 9,  Lawrence 1Mr. Pettingill's 1, 2,  Lower Mass.Dr. Stewart's 4,  Pierce 209Dr. Weber's 6,  Pierce 209Indic Phil.-4,  Warren HouseMathematics 17,  Pierce 212Mineralogy 10,  Mineral. Lab.Philosophy 4,  Emerson DSemitic 13,  Divinity LibrarySemitic 18,  Divinity LibraryZoology 14a,  Zool. Lab. 1st fl. rm. 2Saturday, February 5. (XI)Chemistry 11,  Sever 29Class. Philol. 39,  Sever 29Comp. Lit. 6a,  Sever 35, 36Economics 5,  Upper Mass.Economics 11,  Sever 30Education 2a,  Harvard 5, 6Engineering 1e,  Pierce 209Engineering 6c,  Lawrence 1Engineering 14b,  Pierce 209English 28,  Sever 6, Emerson JEnglish 41,  Lower Mass.Fine Arts 6,  Robinson 1st floorFrench 6,  Sever 23, 24French 6c,  Upper Mass.French 9,  Sever 24French 17,  Sever 18German 1aII,  Sever 5German 29,  Sever 17Government 14,  Sever 18Greek 2,  Sever 29Greek 6,  Sever 30Land. Arch. 7,  RobinsonMathematics 6,  New Lecture HallMathematics 24,  Sever 17Mathematics 32a,  Sever 18Music 4,  HoldenPhilosophy 11a,  Emerson DPhysics 4,  Lower Mass.Physics 11,  Lawrence 1Physiology 1,  New Lecture HallRom. Philol. 3,  Robinson 1st floorSlavic 2a,  Sever 18Social Ethics 1,  Emerson DZoology 1,  Zool. Lecture Room, Pierce 202, 212Zoology 12,  Zool. Lecture RoomMonday, February 7. (VI)Architecture 7a,  Harvard 5Economics 3,  Lower Mass.Engineering 3a,  Pierce 301Engineering 14a,  Pierce 209French 2aI, II,  Upper Mass.French 2CV,  Upper Mass.German 8,  Lawrence 1Government 4,  Harvard 6Mathematics A,  Harvard 5Netherlandish 1,  Lower Mass.Philosophy 23,  Harvard 5Slavic 4,  Lawrence 1Spanish 1I, II, III,  Upper Mass.2.30 P. M.Celtic 3,  Lower Mass.Tuesday, February 8. (X)Botany 3a,  Lawrence 1Botany 5,  University Museum 20Chemistry 5,  Emerson JClass. Philol. 31,  Sever 29Comp. Lit. 5,  Sever 30Comp. Lit. 30,  Sever 30Economics 6a,  Harvard 5, 6Economics 8a,  Emerson DEducation 1,  Lawrence 1Engineering 5b,  Pierce 202, 212Engineering 16a,  Pierce 209Engineering 16c,  Pierce 212English 39,  Emerson DFine Arts 3,  Sever 17, 23, 24French 1a,  Sever 35, 36German 1c,  Sever 18German 4,  Upper Mass.German 6,  HoldenGovernment 1:Mr. Ervin's sections,  Sever 5, 6Mr. Estes's sections,  New Lecture HallMr. Harrison's sections,  Lower Mass.Mr. Pollak's sections,  Lower Mass.Mr. Stephenson's sections,  Zool. Lecture RoomGovernment 28,  New Lecture HallGovernment 30,  Upper Mass.Greek 8,  Sever 29History 6,  Sever 29History 28,  New Lecture HallHistory A2,  Divinity LibraryItalian 3,  Sever 36Mathematics 22,  Emerson JSemitic 12,  Sever 18Slavic 1a,  Sever 36Spanish 2,  Sever 36Zoology 3,  Harvard 6Wednesday, February 9. (XV)Comp. Lit. 28,  Harvard 6Education 6a,  Lawrence 1Engineering 16d,  Pierce 209French 4,  Lower Mass.French 18,  Lower Mass.German F,  Harvard 5German G,  Lower Mass.German H,  Lower Mass.Government 16,  Harvard 6Latin 3,  Lawrence 1Latin 7,  Lawrence 1Philosophy 8,  Pierce 209Semitic A3,  Divinity LibrarySpanish 18,  Lower Mass.Thursday, February 10. (III)Anthropology 5,  HoldenArchitecture 1c,  Sever 5Botany 7,  Gray HerbariumCeltic 1,  Sever 30Class. Philol. 40,  Sever 24Class. Philol. 60,  Sever 17Comp. Lit. 9,  Sever 23Engineering 1a,  Pierce 209Engineering 7b,  Pierce 212Engineering 16f,  Pierce 212English 2,  Upper Mass.English 24,  Sever 35French 2aIII, IV, V, VI,  Fogg Lecture RoomFrench 2CI, II, III,  Harvard 5, 6French 12,  Sever 23Geology 19,  Geol. Museum rm. 43German B,  Sever 36German 2b,  Lower Mass.Greek A,  Sever 18Greek BI,  Sever 30History 12a,  New Lecture HallLand. Arch. 4,  RobinsonLand. Arch. 5,  RobinsonLatin 1,  Sever 17Latin 6,  Sever 18Mathematics 4,  Sever 24Mineralogy 2,  Mineralogical Lab.Music 6,  HoldenPhilosophy 12,  Sever 5, 6Zoology 4,  Zool. Lab. 4th floor, rm. 4Friday, February 11. (VII)Anthropology 2,  Upper Mass.Chemistry 9,  Upper Mass.Fine Arts 1,  Upper Mass.French 16,  Lawrence 1Government 17a,  Lower Mass.Government 21,  Upper Mass.History 19,  Lawrence 1Indic Philol. 1a,  Warren HouseIndic Philol. 9,  Lower Mass.Land. Arch. 11,  RobinsonLatin A,  Upper Mass.Latin E,  Upper Mass.Mathematics 25,  Lawrence 1Philosophy D,  Harvard 5Philosophy 10,  Harvard 6Saturday, February 12. (IV)Architecture 3a, section 1,  Robinson 2nd floorAstronomy 1,  Harvard 5Chemistry 3,  Harvard 6Class. Philol. 37,  Sever 18Class. Philol. 54,  Sever 18Economics 15,  Pierce 212Economics 18,  Upper and Lower Mass.Engineering 1b,  Pierce 202Engineering 3b,  Pierce 209Engineering 5a,  Pierce 212English 3a,  Fogg Lecture RoomEnglish 11a,  Sever 17English 29,  New Lecture HallFrench 2CIV,  Sever 6Geology A,  Zool. Lecture RoomGeology 1,  Geol. Museum rm. 43German C,  Lawrence 1German 1b,  Sever 36German 3,  Sever 5German 12a,  Sever 5Government 25,  HoldenGreek 1a,  Sever 18History 9,  Zool. Lecture RoomHistory 10a,  Emerson JHistory 24a,  Robinson 1st floorLand. Arch. 1,  Fogg Lecture RoomLand. Arch. 3,  RobinsonLatin B:Mr. Galbraith's section,  Sever 30Dr. Lockwood's section,  Sever 35Prof. Parker's section,  Sever 29Latin 8,  Sever 18Mathematics FI,  Sever 23, 24Mathematics 2,  Emerson DMathematics 5,  Sever 8Mining A,  New Lecture HallPhilosophy 16,  Pierce 202Philosophy 22,  Lawrence 7Spanish 1IV, V,  Lower Mass.Spanish 5,  Zool. Lecture Roo

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