
After roasting and performing for Scarlett Johansson (and after one undergrad gave the starlet a t-shirt bearing his own name),
By FM Staff

The Advocate threw off its artsy vibe and embraced pearls and tuxes for one night at their debutante ball this weekend. But most of the Advo regulars were tempted by the imported beers, table dancing, and vaulted ceilings of nearby Lampoon Castle...just down the road, self-reverence was in equal attendance at the Fox’s annual Valentine’s Day dinner this weekend, replete with drunken poetic toasts and even a sing-a-long (whatever, just make out already)...speaking of spit-swapping, onlookers stood horrified as one dean’s son got (and gave) an enthusiastic mouthful from Harvard’s resident nympho.’s been a big week for the big screen, with two Harvardians in the final for Beauty and the Geek and another in American Idol—hopefully next week’s TV chatter will revolve around Scarlett smooching a Harvard hopeful. JT’s got nothing on DGF...
