The Things We Consume

By Matthew E. Nekritz

Cannabis Cambridge, Humbug Harvard

For half of my life, I have lived in a state where weed is legal.

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Instagram, Infographics, and The Information We Consume

In my first two pieces for this column, I engaged with consumption head-on, concerned with the physical through markets on campus and eating choices. This one, however, takes a less physical approach.

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Beyond Bourdain: Disassembling the Meat-Eater’s Anti-Vegan Bias

This summer, I read Anthony Bourdain’s lauded “Kitchen Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly,” a holy scripture for foodies and food-service workers alike. I soaked in his wild and witty restaurant stories as he unabashedly offered opinion after opinion on our relationships with food.

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SENIOR SALE: Clearing Closet and Conscience

The mailroom during move-in week is a daunting place. Delivery boxes stacked to the ceiling construct a cardboard jungle of our collegiate consumption. Mail center workers zig-zag between the skyscrapers of packaging materials as they process neverending shipments of clothing, bedding, furniture, storage containers, and other easily-ordered goods. Stamped on what feels like every brown box, the sinister Amazon arrow smiles, as if to say “you may own our products, but I own you.”

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