Qdoba Burrito Eaters Come Away Victorious

Speed eating burritos is a highly skilled art that takes dedication, ambition and precision. On Feb. 11, in the final round of Qdoba's Rice and Beat Pot Burrito Eating Contest, the four members of Harvard's "Team Owl," Ryan K. Burke '10, Tyler D. Sipprelle ’10, Christian D. Wood ’11 and Daniele M. Pellegrini ’11, showed off their extraordinary abilities once again.
After winning the Harvard round of the competition earlier in the week, the fierce foursome beat out teams from Boston University, Boston College and Northeastern University with a winning time of 3 minutes and 15 seconds. Their prize? A trip to any place of their choice in the Caribbean or Mexico.
To add insult to injury, Burke's brother Kevin F. Burke '10 referred to the defeated Northeastern team members as "the biggest dweebs I've met in my entire life."
For more about the contest and the team that dominated it, look out for a For the Moment feature in this Thursday's issue of FM.