The President's Veritaffles

A writer poking around at a yard sale recently found a recipe book that offers a peek into history. Called "Political Pot Luck: A Collection of Recipes from Men Only," the book was published in 1959 and contains submissions from a variety of male political figures of the time. One recipe comes from John F. Kennedy '40, who—among other accomplishments—was apparently a decent waffle chef (as well as a former Crimson business editor).
Kennedy's breakfast concoction calls for flour, buttermilk, butter, sugar, and eggs—almost the exact same ingredients as Veritaffles, according to Harvard University Dining Services Spokesperson Crista Martin. Kennedy puts in just one other ingredient, baking powder, and suggests eating his waffles with warm maple syrup and melted butter.
Martin wrote in an email to Flyby that Harvard students eat more than 125,000 waffles every year at Sunday brunches. If that's not enough to satisfy you, you can try your hand at JFK's recipe in any House or dorm kitchen.
There are some recipes in the book, which contains food from such non-culinary notables as Adlai E. Stevenson II and Hubert H. Humphrey, Jr., that we don't recommend you use. Take a look at this recipe from reporter Frank Trippett.
Ah, 1959. Don't let the door hit you on your way out.