Pack Food for the Hungry on Sunday

The Harvard Interfaith Collaborative plans to package 20,000 Thanksgiving meals for hungry families this Sunday in the SOCH from noon to 4. "It made a lot of sense to come back to the issue of hunger at a time when most people are gathering around a feast," said Chelsea S. Link '12, one of the organizers of the event. "We might get tired of dining hall food sometimes, but we know we have it good. Besides, to be totally honest, manual labor can be a relieving break from schoolwork."
The group packed 10,002 meals at its last event, on Sept. 11. Now, its members—including College and Divinity School students and Harvard chaplains—hope to double that total.
Each meal contains rice, soy protein, vegetables, and a vitamin packet. Â "They're completely vegetarian and extremely healthy," Link said.
Though each meal costs just 25 cents, that adds up fast when you're trying to pay for 20,000 of them. The Interfaith Collaborative is asking for donations to cover the $5,000 cost, but so far, they've only raised 26 percent of their goal.