15 Party Themes for the Holiday Season

A twelve-foot tall Christmas tree is decorated, gallons of eggnog are consumed, and joy is brought to the world of Eliot D-Hall on Thursday evening in a Holiday kick-off celebration.
To get into these bashes, the bouncer's going to check his list twice.
1. Festival of Bud Lights
2. Happy Harlotdays
3. XXX-Mas
4. What I Like About Jew
5. Let it Ho! Let it Ho! Let it Ho!
6. Vodka and Latkes
7. Good King's Wencesluts
8. Coming Out of Santa's Clauset
9. Pornaments
10. Frank Incest and Myrrh
11. Deck the Balls
12. Reindeer and Sluts
13. The Immaculate Reception
14. Father, Son and the Alcoholy Spirits
15. Egg-snoggs and Snow Jobs