Teach Me How...

The atmosphere at the Harvard College Women's Center's "Teach me how to…" dance workshop was positively infectious as lively music, enthusiasm, and energy filled the Adams House dining hall on Wednesday night.
Each semester, the interns at the Harvard College Women's Center host one "just for fun" event, and the idea for this one came about from a desire to help students feel more comfortable on the dance floor and to be part of the on-going discussion about social space on campus.
"We thought it would be a really good space to address gender dynamics at parties while having fun," Bex Kwan '14 said.
The event included several workshops led by leaders affiliated with the Women"s Center and the Harvard Expressions Dance Modern Dance Companies.
Maya E. Rotmensch '14, a dancer in both dance companies, led one workshop entitled "Feet and Rhythm."
Rotmensch said that as a native of Israel, she wasn't sure how to dance at American parties and, as a result, wants to help others who might be experiencing similar anxiety on the dance floor.
Another workshop provided advice on "partner dancing."
"If she turns away from you, that's usually a 'no' sign," one of the workshop leaders announced. "Grab a chair."
Although chairs may seem like awkward teaching tools, students didn't shy away from practicing their moves with their immobile partners.
Shakira played in the background as participants worked their hips and workshop leaders provided advice.
All in all, participants and leaders agreed that enthusiasm and energy ruled the night.
"I think everyone can dance, it's just about building the confidence to do it," Dike O. Nwokike '15 said afterwards.
The ultimate takeaway lesson?
Shakira was right; hips don't lie. You just need to have the confidence to shake them.