Housing Day Videos and Post-Its

Housing day is just over a week away, and Houses have continued to release videos for both freshmen and upperclassmen alike to enjoy.
Sex seems to be a popular topic this year. Both Leverett and Adams parodied the popular song "I Just Had Sex" by The Lonely Island (featuring Akon) in "I Just Got Lev" and "I Live in Adams."
Lowell came out with its first video, "Like It's Lowell House," a near-professional quality parody of "Like a G6."
Pfoho continues its Internet meme theme in the House's newest video "The Most Influential Man in the World on Shuttles." The video features Pforzheimer House Master Nicholas A. Christakis, who was named a member of the "Time 100" in 2009 as one of the "World's Most Influential People."
The Quad is now fully represented in the housing day video showdown. Currier released "Haus of the Rising Tree," a song to the tune of "House of the Rising Sun," and Cabot boasted about the quality of its rooms in "Cabot Cribs."
Winthrop, however, has broken the video trend by placing Post-its around freshman dorms and buildings such as Sever and Annenberg that feature friendly messages for freshmen.
"We wanted to get the Winthrop name out there in a low-key way," said Patricia J. Levi '12, one of the Winthropians involved with the project. More Post-its will be put up over the next several days, she said.