Events for Japan Scheduled Throughout the Week

In wake of the devastating earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on March 11, Harvard has united to help with relief efforts. Harvard for Japan was created to raise money for relief efforts and bring awareness through a week of commemorative events.
The organization's first event, a benefit banquet on Saturday night, was attended by over 300 people and raised more than $3000. Whether or not you were able to attend the banquet, there are still plenty of opportunities to show your support for Japan in the coming week. We've compiled a list of the week's events, and more details can be found on Harvard for Japan's website.
Join fellow Harvard students at 8 p.m. for a candlelight vigil in Memorial Church and a walk across Tercentenary Theatre, followed by a prayer by Reverend Robert J. Mark, a McDonald Fellow at Memorial Church. At 9 p.m., there will be a student discussion in Adams House, moderated by Dean Evelynn M. Hammonds.
Send a wish for recovery to the victims of Japan's natural disaster through origami. Take a break from work to attend these paper crane workshops held at 8 p.m. in both Pfoho and Quincy. Harvard for Japan hopes to create at least one thousand paper cranes as a symbol of hope for Japan’s recovery.
A panel of experts from various fields will be speaking at "Crisis in Japan: The Way Forward" in Tsai Auditorium, CGIS South from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Come learn from and engage with distinguished faculty and guests in a discussion moderated by Susan J. Pharr, Director of the Program on U.S.-Japan Relations and the Edwin O. Reischauer Professor of Japanese Politics at Harvard.
Anime fan or not, everyone should appreciate the story of family and community collaboration during a time of crisis in "My Neighbor Totoro." This Japanese film will be shown from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. in Emerson 305 in memory those struck by Japan's natural disasters.
Listen to Mendelssohn, Brahms, and Tchaikovsky and contribute to relief efforts in Japan at Bach Society Orchestra's Benefit Concert at 8 p.m. in Sanders Theatre. Fifty percent of proceeds will be donated to the American Red Cross Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami Fund. Tickets are available at the Harvard Box Office.
The Harvard-Radcliffe Asian American Association in collaboration with the Chinese Student Association and the Harvard Hong Kong Society presents "Rite of Spring," a music and dance show at Memorial Church from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. The show will feature many performers, including the Harvard Breakers, the Harvard Din & Tonics, Third Rail, and members of Kollaboration Boston.
All Week
Display your support for Japan by stopping by the Science center from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily, where you will receive a bracelet or Au Bon Pain pastry for any donation over $5.
If you want to give more, Harvard for Japan is welcoming volunteers for each and every event throughout the week. You can sign up for the mailing list to receive more information about volunteering.
Even if you are unable to attend the events or volunteer, there are still opportunities for you to contribute to the cause. Harvard for Japan has provided a list of organizations where your funds will be used to make a difference.