New Website 'U4U' Connects Students from Boston's Largest Colleges

Looking for a party to go to this weekend? How about a study group for your upcoming midterm or a place to sell your old books?
If any or all of the above apply, then check out U4U Boston, a new site created by Connor L. Waterous '14, where you can stay connected with all facets of Harvard and Boston life.
U4U allows members to access and post information on local events, jobs, parties, and special deals. There are study groups in which students can discuss homework, lectures, and readings, and a community section where members can debate a variety of campus-related topics.
The U4U marketplace provides students with an easy way to buy and sell used goods including books, clothing, furniture, electronics, and even sports supplies.
The site has been in development since August and launched officially on March 31. Since then, more than 15,000 students from the Boston area have signed up for a free account.
As of now the site is limited to eight colleges, including Harvard, Boston College, Boston University, MIT, Simmons, Tufts, Wellesley, and Northeastern.
"From the very beginning, the goal of the site has been to take advantage of living in a true college town," Waterous wrote in an email. "While with a site like Facebook your interaction is limited to the thousand people on your friends list, with U4U we've tried to expand this social sphere to the almost 100,000 students in Boston's largest schools. Students are therefore able to take advantage of this pooling of resources to find all the best parties, marketplace items, discussion group, etc."