Class Rings Promoted in Video

Abel Acuna '11 and Kenneth K. Li '12 just released "One Ring for Harvard," a video advertising class rings from the Harvard Shop.
The video presents students with all of the nescessary information for selecting and purchasing a class ring. However, the video remains amusing throughout, featuring allusions to Gollum from The Lord of the Rings and a hilarious dance number to the tune of BeyoncĂŠ's "Single Ladies."
Acuna and Li directed the video for Senior Spring Productions, their new production company.
The original idea behind Senior Spring Prouctions was to create a video production service for Harvard that would make video production easier for on-campus student groups, according to Acuna.
They proposed their idea to the Harvard College Innovation Challenge and won the Investment Fund Award.
"There was a problem and a need to be filled, so I got the idea that we needed to figure out a way to institutionalize video production so we could take the burden off of the student organizations and let them focus on what they do best while they outsource it to us," Acuna said.
Acuna and Li will continue to work on their Production Company over the summer in hopes of a full launch in September. They plan to offer their services to Harvard Student Agencies in addition to helping companies in the Cambridge area.