Fourth of July Weekend Music in Cambridge

This Friday afternoon at 12:30 p.m., the St. George's School for Girls performed in Winthrop Square Park outside Peet's Coffee & Tea. Their performance included a choir, saxophones, brass, and jazz musicians. The all-girls boarding school from Edinburgh, Scotland is touring Massachusetts; their first stop was in Cambridge.
Missed their performance? Never fear — there's more free music to be found. Music That Matters summer camp will be performing in the "pit" at the Harvard Square T-Stop on July 2nd and 8th from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. All donations collected at their two performances will go to the charities "Music For Relief," which helps victims of the Japanese tsunami, and "To Write Love on Her Arms," a nonprofit assisting victims of depression, addiction, and self-harm. Music That Matters is sponsored by the Plugged In Teen Band Program, a Needham, MA organization that, according to their website, "give[s] young people a venue through which they can channel their creativity, learn to work in a group, and improve their music skills while learning about the value and importance of social activism."