HSA Brings TV to Harvard, Online

Television TV
Television TV

With cable TV scarce in dorm rooms, Harvard students have often had to scramble in order to catch the big game or the season premieres of their favorite shows.

Last spring, Harvard Student Agencies launched a trial version of a service to aid these struggling students. This year, it's back to stay.

Partnering with a company called Campus Televideo, HSA.tv now offers a $15 per month plan that lets subscribing students stream twenty-six HD channels live onto their laptops and other devices. Even without signing up for the service, any student can watch six channels—ABC, CBS, CW, FOX Local, NBC, and TV 38.

Extra channels for paying viewers include Cartoon Network, CNN, Comedy Central, ESPN, Food Network, and MTV.

Visit the service's website to start watching the free shows instantly or to sign up for a paid account. Just be warned: you'll only get access to your shows when you're on campus. Leave Harvard’s internet network, and the site stops working.

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