Fatawesome Tries to Recreate 'The Social Network'

When "The Social Network" came out around a year ago, everyone became fascinated by the story of Mark E. Zuckerberg and the creation of Facebook. A year later the question arises, "what's the next big thing?"
Comedy group Fatawesome attempts to answer this question in their video featured on Cracked.com called "Trying to Recreate 'The Social Network' at Harvard Today."
The video follows the group interviewing various people around the Yard in an attempt to discover what amazing and, more importantly, profitable projects and ideas people are developing. The trolling results in explanations of everything from a Matrix-Second-Life-Sims game to a soccer ball that generates electricity. The video concludes with Fatawesome giving an underachieving proposal of their idea to what appear to be investors.
Although the video is an attempt at humor, it also shows that for every "next big thing" Harvard students discover, there are numerous "meh" things they discover as well.