
Gov 1310 Cheating Scandal


Cheating Scandal To Be Reviewed Case-by-Case

After a report circulated over the past few days claiming that Harvard had devised a tiered punishment scheme to uniformly ...

College Administration

Harvard Could Face Student Lawsuits in Fallout of Cheating Scandal

After Harvard issues verdicts to the roughly 125 undergraduates being investigated for academic dishonesty in Government 1310: “Introduction to Congress,” several lawyers predict that the University could face a slew of lawsuits from students facing punishment.

College Administration

Football Bracing for Lineup Changes Following Government 1310 Incident

Days before Saturday’s season opener against the University of San Diego, the Harvard football team is grappling with the ramifications of the Government 1310 cheating scandal.

Ivy League

For Accused Jocks, Athletic Regulations Complicate Decisions

Among the roughly 125 students under investigation for cheating in last spring’s class Government 1310, the varsity athletes implicated in the scandal must deal with an extra layer of concerns.


Faculty Members Defend Take-Home Exams Despite Scandal

Following Harvard’s announcement last week of a large-scale investigation into alleged cheating on a final in an introductory government class, several faculty members who have similarly offered take-home exams say that they are not yet convinced that an end to the practice is merited.


Cheating Scandal Erupts After Short-Answer Questions Added To Congress Exams

Students who took Government 1310: “Introduction to Congress” in recent years describe a course with a noted culture of collaboration, a practice that eventually led to alleged widespread cheating after the professor added a difficult short answer component to the course’s take-home exams.

"Introduction to Congress" Final Exam
Ad Board

Students Accused in Cheating Scandal Frustrated by Uncertain Process

As Harvard conducts its most sweeping academic dishonesty investigation in recent memory, several students say they are frustrated by the uncertainty they face as the Ad Board debates if and how to punish them.

"Introduction to Congress" Final Exam

Government Department Reacts to Scandal in Congress Class

Several professors interviewed in light of this week’s announcement said they did not think the establishment of an honor code would curb cheating.

"Introduction to Congress" Final Exam
Ad Board

Harvard Investigates "Unprecedented" Academic Dishonesty Case

Harvard College’s disciplinary board is investigating nearly half of the more than 250 students who enrolled in "Introduction to Congress" last spring.
