
Andrew B Pardue

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The Relative Unimportance of Being Earnest

With all of this information available and easily verifiable, why did this story go to print? The answer is simple: Erdely, the author of the piece, likely earnestly believed that she had uncovered a horrific case of unpunished sexual assault.

Let Us Govern Again

If we stop dithering and complete a reform of the broken American immigration system now, then we won’t have to make such a choice in the future.

The Elephant(s) in the Room

Republicans did not win because they depressed turnout. They won because in this election, voters considered two sets of opposing policies and chose the set that has gathered dust on the top shelf for the last eight years. Let us hope that it makes a difference.

Worthy Goals

Remember that the next time that you see a woman wrangling her kids in the grocery store aisle or a man tending to his daughter’s bloodied knee at the park. Their choices are not due to any deficit of ability, but an excess of humility–and there’s no job more important than theirs.

The Case for American Power

America is not wholly bad, or even mostly bad. In fact, we are quite good.

Give Me That Old-Time Religion

Too many American Christians believe that their two identities—“American” and “Christian”—are synonymous.

A Republican and a Harvard Man

Where is my refusal to accept empirical data on global warming, the insistence on abstinence-only sexual education, the sanctimonious preaching on homosexuality?