Crimson staff writer

Melanie Y. Fu

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Sex Week 2016

Pins decorated with the message “Break #TheSexMyth” on display at “Busting Sexual Stereotypes” on Friday in Sever Hall. The event was held as part of the annual Harvard Sex Week. ​

Sex Week 2016

Rachel Hills, author of “The Sex Myth,” speaks during a talk titled “Busting Sexual Stereotypes” on Friday in Sever Hall. The event was held as part of the annual Harvard Sex Week.

1964 Crowd

From The Harvard Crimson's October 7, 1964 issue: "An emotion-charged crowd awaited President Johnson at the Burlington, Vermont airport. The youthful group changed 'Hey, hey, what o you say; All the way with LBJ,' as if at a football rally, while the President shook hands along the fence".

Museum of Fine Arts' #mfaNOW Event

#mfaNOW launch party attendees gather around an installation set up in the Museum of Fine Arts' outdoor exhibition on the Linde Family Wing parking lot on Saturday night. #mfaNOW is a season celebrating contemporary art and artists, according to the museum website.