
Ariela J. Gross

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Watching the Cradle

I T WAS THE day before Thanksgiving. We'd all had a hard week--maybe the hardest in the last six years.

A Vote for Democracy

W HO SHOULD vote? In America, the answer to that question seems obvious. Everybody should vote. Everybody. In Massachusetts, that

American Dream 101

M Y LITTLE SISTER just entered the eighth grade at La Colina Junior High in Santa Barbara, California. Maybe it's

Democrats Adrift

L AST FALL, Democratic National Chairman Paul G. Kirk Jr. '60 and his cadre of politicos at the Democratic National

A Harvard Traveler's Seven Burmese Days

Burma Air Corporation is an experience in itself. The plane we flew on was a Fokker propeller plane, an old

Tales of a Would-be Playboy Bunny?

"Hello, is this David Chan?" "Yes?" "I hope I didn't call too early--" It was 9:30 a.m. "It's not too

A Good Fright

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf Directed by Lisa Freinkel Lowell House Junior Common Room March 7-9 O VERWHELMING THE LOWBUDGET

Feminism's Rebirth

F EMINISM IS TAUGHT in a few classes at Harvard, in which students read French theorists like Helene Cixous and

Appearance and Reality in Chile

I ARRIVED IN SANTIAGO, Chile with my father on Dec. 15, 1985, at 1:30 a.m. The first sight that greeted