Crimson opinion writer

E. Matteo Diaz

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Everyone Should Be Allowed To Speak on Trans Issues

You shouldn’t need to be trans to speak about trans issues.

I’m Trans, and My Gender Is a Choice. So Is Yours.

It is time we embrace the idea that every person has the right to exercise autonomy over their own body and self-expression, no matter who they are. By allowing trans kids to access gender-affirming care, we empower them to make the very same choices their cis peers make each and every day.

Investing in Trans Inclusion Isn’t a Choice. It’s Harvard’s Imperative.

People can be trans at Harvard, but Harvard isn’t meaningfully invested in supporting trans people.

I’m Trans, and I’m Not up for Debate

As a transgender person, it has been exhausting to watch my community’s basic rights put into jeopardy and framed as subjects for debate.