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Student Organizers Must Learn From The Nightmare At Columbia

Pro-Palestine student organizers must commit to these values. Otherwise, they risk repeats of the failures at Columbia, undermining their movement, and making their Jewish peers unsafe in the process.

Academic Freedom and Free Speech Are Distinct. Both Matter.

All year we’ve bandied about phrases like “civil discourse,” “open inquiry,” “academic freedom,” and “free speech.” It’s time to clarify them, and what living by them requires.

Al-Quds Day at Harvard

This is not pro-peace activism. Harvard must do better.

Recall John Cooke

John Cooke has had his word. Now we get to have ours.

If Trump Wins, Harvard Should Ignore Him

A potential Trump administration re-do would be unpredictable and unprecedented. Harvard and other private universities would suffer losses under some of Trump’s proposed policies.

I’m the HUA Co-President. I Want to Set the Record Straight.

You have probably seen my name in recent headlines. I want to take this opportunity to set the record straight.

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