Crimson staff writer

S. Mac Healey

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Two Harvard Law School Clinics Sign Statement to Protect Campus Speech

Harvard Law School’s International Human Rights Clinic and Human Rights Entrepreneurs Clinic signed onto a joint statement calling on university administrators to protect free speech during the nationwide surge in campus protests, citing several Harvard policies as examples of problematic protest restrictions.

Massachusetts ACLU Demands Harvard Reinstate PSC in Letter

The American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts challenged Harvard’s decision to suspend the Palestine Solidarity Committee in a Wednesday letter to Harvard University interim Vice President and General Counsel Eileen Finan.

Harvard Law Faculty Letter Calls for Protection of Speech From Administrative Action

More than 30 Harvard Law School faculty signed onto a statement affirming their “commitment to protecting student speech” after some HLS student groups have been investigated for hosting gatherings in student spaces.

HLS Students Targeted by Online Doxxing and Billboard Truck in Harvard Square

Harvard Law School students and several leaders in its student government faced doxxing attacks after the passage of a resolution on Friday calling on the University to divest from “illegal Israeli settlements.”