DOs and DON'Ts of Recruiting

Unless you're living under a rock, you're likely aware that numerous recruiting events are taking place around campus. If you've never been to a recruiting event or are looking for a way to make a great first impression, our list of recruiting DOs and DON’Ts will give you the know-how to impress any recruiter thrown your way.
1. DO dress properly. Business casual will be appropriate for most events. Exceptions include events featuring Facebook and Apple, in which case you should wear a hoodie and black turtleneck, respectively.
2. DO research the companies that will be at the event so you know what they do and thus how to avoid awkward mix-ups. For example, Booz and Company is a management consulting firm, not the alcoholic beverage firm to end all alcoholic beverage firms.
3. DON'T talk to anyone from a company with a name like Booz and Company. Let's face it, you'll just laugh.
4. DO have a firm handshake. Make sure the recruiters know you can crush them if they don't get you the job, and that you can crush the competition once you're hired.
5. DO use a lot of buzzwords. Want a job at Goldman Sachs? Try this: "Hiring me is a win-win since I can bring to the table a toolkit of tremendous diversity to make your company more proactive. Also, synergy. Lots of synergy."
6. DON'T express your true interest in the company if you're in it for the resume padding. "I love helping children in [insert impoverished country here] because it looks awesome on a resume" is never an appropriate thing to say.
7. DO know the difference between consulting, investment banking and financial services. That's right, there is a difference.
8. DON'T panic or appear nervous. Chill bro, chill. It's just your entire future that's on the line.
9. DO bring copies of your resume. More importantly, carry them in a briefcase. Actually, a briefcase with miscellaneous documents inside is all the resume you need.
10. DON'T forget to follow up. It's perfectly acceptable to stalk the recruiters you've talked to on Facebook and other social networking sites. Let's face it, you probably talked to them more than you talk to most of the people on your friends list.