Student Section Tickets Selling Fast

Tickets in the Harvard student section for Saturday's game are officially sold out. Never fear, though: the friendly Harvard athletics department has opened up an adjacent section to accommodate the unusually high number of Crimson fans traveling to Yale this year.
"We've had higher demand this year than we've had in the past," said Nicholas G. Majocha, the athletics ticket manager. "This is not normally how it goes."
Majocha said that there are about 400 tickets left in the new section. But considering that the box office sold almost 1000 tickets yesterday, Majocha predicts that those seats will sell out by the end of the day on Thursday. All student tickets cost $15.
If you wait to buy tickets at Yale, not only will you be seated away from your friends, but you also will have to pay more. The cheapest (and worst) seats sold at Yale are in the Bulldogs' end zone, for a cost of $20. Imagine cheering for Harvard in a sea of angry blue—there might be more crimson than the color of your shirt by the end of the game.
To pick up tickets before you leave for New Haven, trek down to the Murr Center. It's all the way down JFK Street across the bridge. Enter through Gate 1, walk straight until you see the building's main entrance, and turn left once you get inside. The box office is the place with the long line of impatient students.
If you have a really nice roommate, you should be aware that unlike most athletic events, students are allowed to pick up tickets for friends for this game as long as they show a Harvard ID.