Get Out!

Yes, it’s cold. Yes, the heavens have punished us mercilessly with an onslaught of precipitation. But instead of grumbling in your room, bundle up, get out there and enjoy the snow, while it’s still around.
1. Danehy Park
For a thrill and some good hills, locals recommend Danehy Park. Legend has it that prime sledding in Danehy could be enjoyed even when the area was still the North Cambridge Landfill. The City has since converted the place into a park, so sledding is a bit more tame but fun nonetheless.
99 Sherman St., Cambridge, Mass.
2. Corey Hill Park
If you’re truly dedicated, head to Corey Hill Park in Brookline. This spot is notorious for its steep slopes—amateurs be warned.
171 Summit Ave., Brookline, Mass.
3. Around Campus
If you can’t bring yourself to leave the Harvard bubble, stop by the QRAC, on whose hill many quadlings have rediscovered their inner child. And if you can’t bring yourself to make the trek up to the Quad, head over to the snow mounds by the MAC. Widener steps are also the classic option, as long as you remember to dodge the cord at the bottom.
4. Skiing
For those too cool for sledding, skiing is available at nearby Wachusett Mountain. The slopes can be reached by catching the commuter rail from North Station to Fitchburg, Mass. and then taking a shuttle provided by the resort to hit the trails.
499 Mountain Rd., Princeton, Mass.
Mon.-Fri.: 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Fri.-Sat.: 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Weekday rates: $41 for a half—day lift ticket or $46 for a full day. Weekend rates: $46 for a half—day lift ticket or $51 for a full day.
5. Do It Yourself
Alternatively, you can make your own slide: pack some snow underneath a decently-high window, spray the slide with water and let it freeze. Luge, anyone? Note: FM recommends this only for professional sledders, on a closed course.