Crowdsourcing the Blizzard

Whether this weekend's snowstorm turns out to be an historic blizzard of epic proportions or a meteorological letdown, we at Flyby are ready to make the most of it. While some of us have one foot out the door to line up for Burdick's hot chocolate, others will likely find themselves holed up indoors for a good part of this frosty weekend. That could get pretty boring.
So whatever you're up to this weekend, whether inside or outside, warm or cold, we'd like to see it. What better way to enjoy a blizzard than by participating in a photo contest? You won't be in class, you won't be at Freshman Formal, and you won't be doing your reading—but chances are you will be Instagram-ing, and maybe even tweeting.
Send us your snowstorm snapshots via Instagram or Twitter, using the hashtag #flybysnow.
Captions are encouraged!
We'll pick the best ones and put them up on Flyby in gallery form for all to see.
Here's what we want to see:
-how much snow you can see from where you are
-how you're staying warm
-your favorite part of the snow
-your least favorite part of the snow
-fun in the snow
-get it?
-now submit.