The blog of The Harvard Crimson

Dunster’s Plums Are The Reason I Get Out of Bed in the Morning


{shortcode-e331b08c846c413c35170b5467e470ae76e65798}So, I could write a letter directly to Dunster’s Plums, but that wouldn’t be useful to you. And you — a Harvard student sitting in lecture while comping seven clubs while debating a situationship while double-fisting compostable paper cups while, apparently, reading the latest Flyby masterpiece — you only like things that are useful.


Moving from home to campus has been challenging, yes, but by far the most challenging part has been the absence of fruit. “What about bananas?” you foolishly ask. Try eating five bananas a day, thinking you’re getting your daily serving of fruit, and get back to me. Still like bananas? Yeah, I thought so. Totally not speaking from experience here.


Anyway, back to the Plums. Sure, other houses have plums. But they don’t have Dunster’s Plums. Dunster’s Plums are SO GOOD. Like, they’re washed good. Perched on the top of the fruit display, where they rightfully belong, the Plums demand your attention in a way your untouched p-set could never.


To get your hands on God’s greatest creation, I’d recommend bringing a large bag and the fruit-picking skills your Taiwanese parents instilled in you. Everyone knows that plums in your backpack is a sticky situation — stickier than that time you waited for the SEAS shuttle, only to have to Uber to class when the shuttle didn’t show up :) :) :). Hence, the bag. If you’re not expecting to get enough Plums to warrant a large bag, sorry but gtfo.


You might be wondering, Ariana, if you love the Plums so much, why would you advertise it, thus limiting your personal supply of Plums? Good question, and I’m glad you’re learning a lot in Ec10A. The thing is, while you may be a Harvard student sitting in lecture while comping seven clubs while debating a situationship while double-fisting compostable paper cups while, apparently, reading the latest Flyby masterpiece — you’re still too lazy to walk to Dunster to get Plums. ;)


To conclude, I’d like to thank the housing gods for placing me in Leverett — it’s like a minute away from Dunster’s Plums. For any fellow Dunster Plum enthusiasts, please email so we can totally, like, grab some Plums together sometime.


With love, in sickness and in health,



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Shitty Date Ideas for Your Shitty Harvard Love Life


{shortcode-28709e92c0a0bfef390c93ca0ab21e9ff94fd2aa}It’s a truth universally acknowledged that a Harvard student in possession of a single hour of free time must be in want of a confusing situationship. If you’re such a student looking for some ways to add a little spice to the garbage pit of your love life, seek no further — our curated list of activities is sure to make whatever the hell you have going on worse (somehow).


Picnic in the Pit<3


You know that random archaeological dig site in the Yard? Well, nothing says love like hopping over a low wire fence and sitting in a dirt pit together. Throw on some socks and sandals, grab a to-go cup of clam chowder from the dhall, and embrace the most disgusting date of your life while tourists and Yard security look on in horror. It’s sure to be a horrible time, but, hey, if you both get dirty and happen to need to shower at the same time...


Enjoy That Sweet FlyBy Chili Together


Are you a premed with seven free minutes seeking a hot date with your long-suffering engineering beau who essentially lives in the SEC complex? FlyBy (not us, the thing under Annenberg / in the SEC complex) may be just what you need to keep the romance alive. Spend 90 percent of your time together standing in line, and then speed-sip some chili beneath everyone’s favorite freshman dining hall as ambient noise drowns out any attempt at conversation.


Have a loud DTR talk in Loker Reading Room


Haven’t felt uncomfortably visible in a while? Let’s fix that. Hash out all your miscommunications with your paramour in the most intimidating study space of all time: Loker Reading Room. Distract future doctors with all the messy details of your relationship. Worst case, you’ll become the subject of some blocking group’s dinner… And if all goes well, the stacks are right there ;)


Scooter Race on Mass Ave


First one to get hit by a bicyclist has to buy dinner.


Fight a Turkey


There you are, on a romantic stroll through the Yard, when you spot them. The turkeys. Wandering in a pack. Looking menacing, as always. Now’s the time to earn your partner’s undying respect through hand-to-hand (hand-to-wing?) combat. You’re basically their knight in shining armor!


Campus Bathrooms Tour


It’s like a wine-tasting tour, but decidedly less sexy. This is definitely a choose-your-own-adventure date, but we suggest beginning with the terrifyingly ancient wooden toilet in the top floor of the Peabody Museum and ending with the restrooms in the basement level of the Science Center. Nothing says romance like the sweet smells of every tourist in sight using the same bathroom as you.




Just trust us. Wander the fluorescently lit liminal space of Harvard’s only convenience store until you both lose all grip on reality in the snack aisle.


Wishing you good health and emotional instability,



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My Fourth Roommate is the Roach We Killed


{shortcode-117b156ac454f72a99f478b2615fa67a57fd792c}Disclaimer: Author’s housing peaked during the first semester of her freshman year


This year, as I hauled all of my stuff up to my fourth-floor walk-up in Eliot House, there was one thing that I was sure of: I was glad not to be on the fifth. In fact, between offering cookies and a night of board games to the poor boys who happened to be in our vicinity when the rest of our furniture arrived, offering words of encouragement to my fifth-floor neighbor going down to do his laundry, and obsessing over tea with my resident tutor, I have already made more of a community here than I did all of last year as a COVID first-year.


So imagine how upset I was to learn that in spite of the happiness I have found, first-years are still better off than I am. Behold, Maple Yard. Yeah.


The new yard, which is composed of literal apartment complexes and former hotels, was created in order to house the record-breaking class of 2025, and man, does it seem like they’re getting compensated for something. Or maybe I am just salty that despite my relative seniority, I am in a double with one of my roommates.


On further reflection, I am way too lazy to use any of the kitchens in DeWolfe, and before I heard of the mystical land known as the Quad, I made fun of people living in the Union Dorms. In any case, in terms of quality of housing, I have less to complain about than the class of 2023. As a freshman, I got placed into a Dunster suite with two floors, which one of our lovely former Flyby chairs admitted was her top choice until Harvard dashed her hopes of returning to campus. The room was truly lovely: I could observe people make fools of themselves outside my window, watch rats run across the Dunster entrance en route to Mather, and we only had one spider visit us, leaving my bottle of Raid unused. The nicest part was my large, roomy single! If only I had known that I had peaked then.


A few cockroaches (one of which my friend posthumously named Marty) and other run-ins later, I have come to terms with my room at Harvard. Sure, it isn’t perfect, but now that the libraries are open, I can sleep there instead of my dorm room whenever I lose myself in my psets. Yes, I’m upset that the freshmen have nicer housing than I do, but they will peak this semester and then go through the same housing lottery that we all went through. Yes, I am sad that I will never have a room as nice as the one I had in the first semester, but the isolation of that semester is something I never want to live through again. Yes, Harvard housing should be… Better in general for the amount of tuition that we are paying. But at the end of the day, it’s not about whether you have a single or whether there’s a mouse under your bed, it’s about the memories that you make with your time here. :)

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Burst the Bubble: Sept. 10 - Sept. 12




That’s right folks, Burst the Bubble is back! If you’ve forgotten about us, this is your semi-regular reminder that things do actually happen outside the “Harvard Bubble.” Whether you’re feeling nostalgic for going into Boston, or it’s week two and you’re just already tired of Harvard Square, we’ve got some fun weekend events lined up for you! Featuring events perfect for a student budget and with Covid-19 precautions in mind, consider this your personal itinerary for the upcoming weekend. Enjoy the impending fall weather and stay safe out there, y’all.




From Art to Alliums: A Tour of The Greenway 12-1 p.m.


The weather is looking great this Friday ( least for now) — so if you’re one of the lucky few without a Friday class, check out this free walking tour right on The Greenway! You’ll enjoy an in-depth look at this beautiful park from the volunteers who help maintain it, not to mention a chance to learn about the cool plants and art installations (!!) that The Greenway has to offer. Simply take the Red Line over to Downtown Crossing or South Station and enjoy a quick walk over to the Chinatown Gate to catch the start of the tour.




A Night of Queer Comedy & Music – Together Under the Stars 5:45-8:45 p.m.


Okay, so maybe you saw the words “South Station,” and any willingness to burst the bubble immediately left your body. No worries, we have an option for those of us not feeling up to making the long journey over the Charles too! Just over in Central Square, you can check out an evening full of queer comedy and music hosted by Cambridge Mayor Sumbul Siddiqui and the city’s LGBTQ+ Commission. RSVP online to secure your spot ~under the stars~.




Boston Arts Festival 2021 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.


Boston Arts Festival returns in-person this weekend! Hosted over at Christopher Columbus Waterfront Park, the event is easily accessible via the Red Line followed by the Green or Orange Line. It features local artists of all kinds, with musical performances throughout the weekend and other visual artists and craftspeople showing off their work. It’s a great opportunity to enjoy local art, and maybe even find that perfect new decor for your dorm room?


As always, we hate to burst your bubble, but Harvard isn’t the entire world. Go forth and burst the Harvard Bubble with these events!

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How to: Decorate Your Room (Even If You’re Still Traumatized from Apocalypse Week)




Coming at you LIVE, from my very tiny and slightly messy dorm room in Adams — where I have spent my entire time on Netflix or sleeping — this is Ashal, your personal interior decorator! *thundering applause ensues*


I am here to bestow my immense interior design knowledge gained from two semesters of living in Harvard dorms and countless hours spent on Pinterest. Soon, your room will be the envy of the entire campus – you have my personal guarantee.


Getting Inspired or Getting Jealous?


To get started on this decorating quest successfully, begin by finding the inspiration you need on Tiktok, Pinterest, Instagram, etc. And don’t feel guilty! You’re in fact being very productive by enviously liking posts of that nice dorm bed frame you wish you had instead of working on your pset.{shortcode-6e621c550fffa909e54534a7d81ade00d5807099}


Lights, Camera, Action!


I know our generation is permanently associated with LED light strips, but that’s only because mood lighting elevates every living situation. No matter how tiny or weirdly shaped your dorm is, chances are that lights will brighten up the space (pun proudly intended). And if you don’t want to be super basic with LED or fairy lights, try alternative lighting options, like lamps — really anything but overhead (possibly fluorescent) lights.


Picture This: A Photo Collage


This is a super cheap and customizable way to decorate your dream dorm room. You can print pictures of all your besties, your cute pets, and your summer adventures at our very conveniently located CVS. Put them right above your desk so that when you’re grinding at 2 a.m., you can look back on slightly more fun days.


Breathe a Little Easier: Get Plants!


{shortcode-a57eb37205e87ac0d377e3756993dffcfcfbfac7}You may have missed the PBHA plant sale, but it’s never too late to get some plants! Many options are cost effective and low maintenance. Plus, this decor will basically match any pre-existing room theme you have going on. But, if you’re like me and can’t keep a succulent alive for even a month, realistic-looking fake plants are the move. The best part is, no one will ever be the wiser!


This dorm is going to be your home for the next few months, so make it your own. Go put up that funky tapestry and stick that BTS poster to your wall (using wall-safe adhesive, of course!) – just let those creative juices flow.

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How to: Actually Remember Anyone’s Names




It’s been a year and a half since many of us were last on campus together, so re-introducing yourself to that kid from your Ec10a section is understandable. But once this first week of school grace period is over, you either remember their name or purposely avoid making eye contact with them for the rest of the year. We’ve got you with some tips to help you look like you really care about the people you meet — or just pay attention when you read Flyby articles.


Make It Personal


We know you’re super busy and have new people coming up to you 24/7, but try your best to find something unique about each interaction. Maybe you’re in the same dorm, or both come from the same block in NYC. Associate their name with that first interaction, so you’ll always remember that kid named Matt who you met cramming for the Math 1b midterm.


Repeat It Back


Practice makes perfect, and learning someone’s name is no exception. As soon as someone introduces themselves to you, say it back to them. Especially if you didn’t hear it perfectly the first time, this little trick will help you not only remember their name, but remember the right name (sorry to that girl from Math 1b whose name is apparently not Kenzie).


Exchange Contact Information


Maybe you’ve just had a three hour conversation about your mutual love of Disney Channel Original Movies, or maybe you’re simply looking for another pset buddy. Either way, it can’t hurt to give them a follow on the gram or add them to your contacts. An extra bonus is that by typing in their name, you’ll remember it better. At least, that’s what that one teacher in high school who made us copy pages from the textbook swore. This is also the perfect pretext for getting those digits — for a friend, of course — without making things awkward.


Give Up


Let’s be honest, we’re all a little out of practice when it comes to everyday human interactions. We’ve spent the last year and a half with cheat sheets of everyone’s names labeled right under their Zoom boxes, so these first few weeks will be a tough transition. If you find yourself racking your brains to recall the name of an acquaintance as said acquaintance and their posse stares you down, ready to call you out for being a bad person… don’t stress. Reinvent yourself as one of those people who walks around calling everyone “bud” or “champ,” and never again be accused of not valuing a friendship (if you have any of those left, of course).


These tips should serve you well enough in any dhall or outdoor situation, but maybe you’ve realized that the real problem lies with recognizing the people behind the mask. If so, no worries, Flyby’s got you covered there too!

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Out With The Old, In With The Let’s gET a mEAL somETIME




Welcome back! A lot has happened in the last year and a half. Chances are this transition back to in-person life is feeling exciting, awkward, or downright strange. We’ve gone from Zoom fatigue to socialization fatigue, pajamas to real clothes, living room to Science Center Hall B — all in the matter of days. If you’re wondering how else life has changed, check out our latest IN/OUT: Fall 2021 edition.

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This Was Supposed to be an Article About B.o.B.




Crimson Jam has been postponed, and my current chances of seeing B.o.B. in Harvard Yard are dashed. And while that news is deeply upsetting, I’m a little more stressed about the whole idea that case counts might send us home again. In light of the new Covid-19 campus guidelines, I sure could use a guide on how to not fall into a nihilistic pit at the thought of yet another year of normal life wrested from my hands due to the pandemic. Usually I’d put a witty phrase here, but I’m not sure if I have the strength, so here we go:


1) Text someone you care about


I don’t know about you, but I’m a serial Shit,-I-read-this-text-and-forgot-to- reply-even-though-I-care-about-you type of person. Even if you have, like, functional communication skills, it’s still a good idea to connect to the people that make your life bright instead of staring at your dorm ceiling or doomscrolling.


2) Go outside and stare at the Charles


Disclaimer: This is more of a daytime suggestion. You should probably not wander the riverbank alone at night.


That said, there’s not a whole lot of ways to get out to nature and decompress within the Harvard Bubble. Luckily, we do have a decently cute lil river nearby. Maybe you can pretend you’re in a dramatic movie or something and look out over Weeks Bridge during the sunset? I don’t know.


3) Take a nap


I did, and it made me feel better.


4) Do your homework! Actually!


It’s now occurring to me that all of the above suggestions involve a fair bit of escapism. At the end of the day, grades and due dates still exist, so it’s probably not a horrible idea to stay on top of your readings and psets instead of spending all your time texting the besties / looking at water / sleeping. Maybe it’ll make you feel normal and distract you from the capacity limits of the Harvard Hotel. :-) hehe


5) Pretend that airplanes in the sky are like shooting stars


I could really use a wish right now, wish right now.


Anyway, hope you’re all doing well. If someone actually knows how to cope with Potential Eviction 2: Electric Boogaloo, call me, beep me, you know how to reach me.

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A Bucket List For Your 20s - The B.o.B Edition




Harvard’s first concert is less than 24 hours away, and CEB has really brought the ~magic~ with B.o.B this year! The Atlanta-raised rapper has had quite the life, signing on a major-label at only 17 years old and leaving a mark on all late 90’s/early 00’s babies with “Airplanes” and “Nothin’ On You.” Imposter syndrome looking at his CV? Not to worry - Flyby is here to help you get caught up!


Start a podcast


You’d be hard pressed to find someone at Harvard that hasn’t recorded a podcast following the creative finals season during our Zoom school year, so this might be the easiest one to cross off. Grab a friend, pick a topic, and start talking. Just some ideas to get you rolling, from Crimson Jam 2021’s very own headliner B.o.B: Flat Earth, egos, and cloning. The real struggle will be coming up with a better podcast name than The B.o.Bcast.


Get a noise complaint on your dorm/apartment


Fun fact: B.o.B was almost evicted when crafting his album because of noise complaints. He played the music too loud and the walls were too thin. Now, he was about to release what would be a chart-topping album so maybe there’s a little more clout involved, but after walking around the river last weekend, I wonder how many Harvard students could already cross this one off their list?


Join the Flat Earthers Facebook Group


B.o.B is willing to die on this hill. It’s the closing line on his Wikipedia page. It may be less of a highlight on his resume, but it still makes up a part of B.o.B’s larger-than-life personality. So for the B.o.B. aficionados and imitators among our readership, we’ll happily serve as your gateway to the Flat Earthers Society. Click here to find your new community! (Disclaimer: Flyby is not affiliated with the Flat Earthers Society<3)


Write a diss track


Celebrities, they’re just like us. After Neil De Grasse Tyson publicly @’d B.o.B’s Flat Earth theories, B.o.B came back as only every other celebrity must: he wrote a diss track. Flatline, a song we pray makes it to the Crimson Jam setlist, really settled the least scathing celebrity tea of the 2010s when it said, “Aye, Neil Tyson need to loosen up his vest.” B.o.B really did you all a service, setting the bar so low. We’ve seen harder digs on Harvard Confessions, so we have high expectations for you all. Pick your subject — perhaps the lines to Annenberg or your lecture’s overeager hand-raisers — and go off.


Launch a satellite into space


If it were May, we’d say catapulting anything beyond our orbit is far fetched and unattainable. But if Jeff and Elon can do it, what’s stopping Jefe’s-fueled Harvard students? After releasing Airplanes, B.o.B tried to raise $200,000 to send a spaceship into space to check if there were NASA employees guarding the edge of the world (are you catching the trend in his motivation?). While finances got in his way, lucky for you, you go to school at a small liberal arts college with a humble $41.9 billion endowment. Swing by the rocket club at the extracurricular fair, make a new bestie or two, snag some pieces of metal and fuel from the new SEAS building, and get crafting!


If you manage to check each of these off, like a true baddie, then you might as well be B.o.B. All you’re missing are a few Billboard 100 hits, but we can save that for your 30s bucket list. And if you need to brush up on your B.o.B raps, join the rest of Flyby’s team and listen to this playlist on repeat. We’ll see you at Crimson Jam tomorrow! It’s going to be So Good ;)

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Harvard WiFi Only Had One Job and Yet...


{shortcode-79570138da3c26daa0602d21ade6b85ef097c04e}Dear Harvard Internet or Whatever Acronym You Call Yourself,


As I sit in Widener for the first time desperately hacking into my Crimson email, I can’t help but think that there could not be a nicer place for me to cry about my connectivity issues. In fact, you having connectivity issues is super helpful to me. As a sophomore who spent her entire last year taking classes online and has forgotten how to make meaningful social connections, it’s nice that you, too, have connection problems.


But there’s one thing that’s bothering me.


You know how I had to take classes and apply for internships and try to keep my sanity intact all last year and this year? Yeah, you my friend, only have one job.


So why don’t we go through why you suck.


Spotty data = LDR problems


I have multiple friends who live far away in the land known as the Radcliffe Quadrangle, so I need an internet connection to be able to communicate with them. Yesterday, I let my friend in Currier know that I was about to visit her as we had planned. I texted her at about 7:36 p.m., yet you took two hours to send the message to her. The entire time I was sitting around, wondering why she was not responding. Because of you, I became upset, nervous, and believed that she no longer wanted anything to do with me.


Also, commuting to the Quad is quite an ordeal. You know why? Because we need an internet connection to call for the evening van. Without the internet, I am left without options. It’s not like I can hail a cab, and it’s way too far to walk back to my cushy River House. So thanks to you, Harvard students are having a harder time connecting. I think we deserve better after a year online.


I cannot procrastinate in lecture


As someone who has no time management skills, I feel attacked that you would randomly stop working in the middle of lecture. During lecture, I like to do homework for other classes, play random games, message my friends that I somehow never find the time to meet up with, and basically do anything except pay attention to the lecture.


Of course, you had to ruin that for me as well. I had nothing left to do in lecture but fall asleep. How am I supposed to pretend that I am taking notes on my laptop if there is no internet and I fall asleep due to boredom? Because of you, I will be even more stretched for time. So if I fail all of my courses this semester, I know who to sue.


My meetings are useless


So you know how Harvard students like to have their silly little meetings about their silly little extracurricular activities and their silly little conferences and silly little consulting groups? Well, I had a club meeting yesterday, and there we were trying to take notes and edit Google Documents about our upcoming conference.


You know what the problem was? You weren’t working.


As we stammered awkwardly trying to come up with a solution and briefly wondered whose hotspot was showing up in the available wifi options (it turned out to be a poor girl who left our private dining room as soon as she heard us acting weird), the notes apps on our computers were finally put to good use.


The reason I am complaining? I had to go back to my House, wait for the internet to come back, and redo all of my updates. So you wasted my time, not unlike most of the men I’ve talked to. Thanks, but no thanks.


B.o.B. is going to be disappointed


International rap sensation B.o.B. is coming to Harvard on Friday. This should be good news, right? We can all ascend during “Airplanes” and dance as awkwardly as that guy from Weezer during “Magic.” However, there is a big issue that we may run into.


First of all, as B.o.B. lets us so eloquently know in “Nothin’ On You,” he likes it when a woman does her taxes. Ergo, he might want to do his taxes while here performing, nevermind that it will be the beginning of September and he probably has someone else file for him, but still, the possibility exists. If he decides to do that, he will be terribly disappointed by the lack of internet connection, and it will be all your fault.


On the other hand, if a Harvard lady decides that she might like a guy like B.o.B. to notice her (Author’s note: He is a flat earther, you can do better), she will not be able to do her taxes, thus not being able to impress him. So, it will be your fault if their love story gets ruined.


While some changes at Harvard this year are wonderful (such as Oatly being replaced by Planet Oat), the fact that you are unable to handle everyone being back on campus, especially since classes are not online anymore, is very sad. Please do better :(




Matylda A. Urbaniak

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How To: Survive (and Enjoy) this Semester Amidst the Chaos




After a long year of online learning, Harvard’s campus is finally back in full swing. But while this past week of orientation (and reorientation) has reminded us of all the best college has to offer, a new semester looms ahead. Just because we’re offline doesn’t mean we’re off the hook, so here’s Flyby’s guide to navigating the stress and chaos of our collective return to reality.


Find your study spots early


In case the addition of a new first-year yard and the gaggles of lanyard-clad students didn’t make it clear, Harvard’s campus is more full than ever before. Unless you’re ready to fight for a place in the Smith Center or stake out a desk in Lamont, we suggest you take the time to explore the less crowded spots across the campus and the Square before midterm season rolls around. Check out the Barker Center, invade the grad schools, and stake your territory while you can.


Make friends in class


Let’s be real: embracing collaboration over Zoom was often a nightmare and near impossible. With the age of breakout rooms seemingly (hopefully) behind us, now is your chance to find new friends and pset buddies in real, actual classrooms. Make even your toughest classes more bearable by getting to know those brave souls suffering along with you.


Step offline when you can


Even before our lives centered around Zoom, we tended to spend long hours gazing into our laptops and phones — whether for CS50 psets or Netflix. Now that we’re back in Cambridge, make sure to block out time to enjoy the in-person campus experience... actually in-person. Try visiting one of Harvard’s museums — the Harvard Art Museums are reopening this weekend! — or going for a walk or bike ride along the river, especially before the notorious Boston winter rolls around. Alternatively, just keep off your phone in the dhall. Unplug and unwind.


Go. To. Office. Hours.


This advice isn’t super specific to being back in person, and you have doubtlessly heard this a million times. But I’ll say it again. GO. It may feel daunting to stay motivated after taking classes from your bedroom or in pajamas all last year, but it’s always worth the extra effort to get to know your professors and get your questions answered.


Explore Cambridge and Boston


Last year, Harvard students logged into class from all around the world, and now we’re all packed together into a few square miles. Though there’s always so much to do on campus, don’t let yourself get stuck in the Harvard bubble. Remember the real world? She’s still out there, and only a T ride away.


Be open to new experiences


Whether this is your first time on campus or your last hurrah, go into this semester ready to try new foods, clubs, classes, etc. The Harvard we’ve come back to isn’t the same exact Harvard we left in March 2020, and we’re not the same people who left it. No two school years are ever the same, actually. The whole point is to use whatever time you have on campus to learn and grow as much as you can — and we all now know how fast that time can disappear.

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Flyby Loves: Our Seniors


{shortcode-1d3842cfa305650346a601199ebea0060f4dc596}Title says it all. Thank you to our senior writers for being amazing in every way — we're always looking up to y'all. :-)


Flyby Loves Rocket S. Claman


Thanks for "Can I tell a story?" at meetings, being able to write both sap and snark with ease, always being ready to roast HUDS vegan options, and holding it down as our resident Theatre Kid.


We love you!


Flyby Loves Claire J. Hoffman


Thanks for showing us what a committed relationship to iced coffee looks like, somehow balancing a million things (anyone heard of Immunology Club?) and looking good while doing it, being a great comp director for, like, five years in a row, and actually being down to grab a meal sometime, despite your terrifying GCal.


We love you!


Flyby Loves Hannah J. Humes


Thanks for writing pieces that are quite literally too funny to publish, rants that never fail to entertain, being a competent driver (please don't go we need you), and teaching us how to both throw and catch ass.


We love you!


Flyby Loves Sahara W. Kirwan


Thanks for keeping flyby afloat during post-eviction life, having an impeccable sense of style, bringing ~warmth~ to meetings with your presence, and being the only Kirwan whose emails don't break my heart (no shade to The Leslie).


We love you!


Flyby Loves Linda Lee


Thanks for the best hot takes, having a laptop with so many fun stickers to look at during meetings, entertaining us with updates on your love/hate relationship with CS, and always bringing chaos to the Sanctum.


We love you!


Flyby Loves Cindy Li


Thanks for being a punderful human being, surviving the study abroad fiasco of century, teaching us the true meaning of "envy" through a *perfect* Instagram feed, and elevating the art of the "How To:" piece.


We love you!


Flyby Loves Lorenzo F. Manuali


Thanks for being a great chair, providing kickass pasta dinners, looking good in a catsuit, being Italian (probably — he is, right?), and a laugh that brightens up every meeting.


We love you!


Flyby Loves Trula J. Rael


Thanks for being a cool mom, caring deeply about quality snack foods, being the best River Run host, and patient edits in Lev Dhall.


We love you!


Flyby Loves Ben S. Rhee


Thanks for being a cryptid. Enough said. ;)


We love you!


Good luck out there! Don't be strangers. :,)

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How To: Spice Up Reading Period


{shortcode-36a9610aa0bbac08b9f5267673c6198eb9e8b46e}It’s the end of the semester. You’ve watched the past few months flyby (pun intended) and it somehow feels as though you’ve done absolutely nothing with your time aside from testing the limits of your Zoom lecture attention span or analyzing the optimal level of procrastination. Luckily, flyby is here to add a little thrill to your life with 7 ways to spice up the last few weeks of the semester.


1. Turn in a final project 5 or more days before it’s due


Let’s face it, procrastination is inevitable…take this as your calling to change things up. Have you ever turned in an assignment (much less a final) not one minute, but five days before it’s due? We didn’t think so. Perhaps it’s finally your time to shine — not only will you get it over with and avoid that feeling of an impending deadline looming over you, but this may quite literally become the greatest flex of your college career.


2. Take a full day off. Like actually take the day off.


You say you haven’t gotten any work done today, but is that really true? Even if you haven’t physically cracked anything out, there’s a 99 percent chance you either feel guilty about not having done enough, or couldn’t get the prospect of work out of your head. Try taking a full day off and give yourself a chance to recharge after what’s been one of the most challenging years for the world. Whether this means spending a day exploring nature, practicing retail therapy, or even watching TikTok for 6 hours straight (let’s just pretend you don’t do this on the regular for the sake of this article) and forget about your responsibilities to recenter yourself so you can finish off the semester strong!


3. Actually keep up with your sleep schedule


This might be the most chaotic of them all. Imagine having a consistent and reasonable sleep schedule where you’re not falling asleep at the crack of dawn and waking up midway through lecture (or even worse, a final exam). Try keeping up with a ~reasonable~ sleep schedule and you might even find it boosts your productivity and alertness. At least give it a shot. We know it’s a bit of a hard task, but you wanted cHaOtiC sPiCe in your life right??


4. Channel your alter ego


Swap your wardrobe to its complete opposite for one week. Do what you gotta do: thrift, steal clothes from your parents, siblings, and friends, or even dig out your clothes living in the back of your garage from four years ago before you underwent a ~transformative experience~. Chaos. Activated.


5. Stay unmuted throughout an entire Zoom meeting


Seeking maximal chaos? Look no further. Staying unmuted for an entire Zoom meeting may quite well be one of the riskiest, most anarchic activities one may take on. A hyperactive dog who barks non stop may be the least of your worries. You never know just how much you need something until it’s gone.


6. Speak exclusively with a foreign accent for the next few weeks


Now, there are two options for this one. Option 1: you speak with an accent you’ve already mastered to the point that it sounds natural, and people are incredibly thrown off by your sudden change in identity. Option 2: you speak exclusively with a very poorly executed accent that makes people wish they had the option to mute you, both digitally and irl. Take your pick and let us know how it goes!


7. Go Skydiving


Because. Why. Not.


Anywho, we hope you’re inspired by at least a few of these and are able to make the last few weeks of this semester just a bit (or a lot) more exciting. Remember to take it easy and give yourself a break, especially after this past year. Good luck with finals everyone! <3

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How To: Class of 2025 Intro Blurb


{shortcode-92a7ba96d5022698ebf07af71218af3be2d54a89}Decision day was Monday. So, congratulations on finally committing to the most ~transformative~ experience of your life, Class of 2025. Now that you can officially say that you are #HarvardBound, you might want to start thinking about how to humble brag while introducing yourself on social media. Nervous? Don’t be. Flyby is here to make sure your Harvard intro blurb will leave a lasting and good impression to your future classmates with the dos and don’ts in writing it.


Don’t: Brag about your other acceptances


We get it, you’re smart and had a very successful college admission season. Still, that doesn’t mean we want to hear how you got accepted to every single school you applied to. You’ll just seem like an arrogant showoff. Who cares if you got into all 8 Ivies and Stanford? We’re all going to the same school now.


Do: List your interests and hobbies


At the end of the day, you’re writing these intro posts to connect with your future classmates and make some friends over the summer. So make sure to list your hobbies and interests. Is there a K-drama that you’re currently obsessed with? Include it. Chances are someone is also interested in the same show and you just got yourself a new watch buddy.


Don’t: Link your LinkedIn profile


Maybe this is just a personal preference, but I always scoff when people drop their LinkedIn in their bio. It’s just the social media version of showing off your resume. Do you really want to be that person?


Do: Include your other social media


With that said, Facebook posts aren’t the best way to keep in touch with people. So do make sure to include your Insta, Snapchat, and even TikTok, and prepare to make some new friends!


Don’t: Be weirdly passive aggressive about your past


Not all of us had a great high school experience. Still, it always rubs me the wrong way when people rant about their terrible experiences in high school or even during the college admission season in their intro post. It’s TMI and just weird.


For the first impression, let’s just stick to good vibes.


Do: Be Short and Concise


I’m sure you are all very excited to get to know each other. But I guarantee you, no amount of enthusiasm will make people willing to read an entire essay about some random people they’ve never met before in real life. So keep your blurb short and sweet and save your big brain juice for the writing placement exam.


Once again, welcome to your home for the next four years, Class of 2025! We hope this list offers some good advice for you to create your quintessential Harvard announcement post. Though tbh, don’t stress about it. These intro burbs are supposed to be fun and relaxing. And even if you mess up, you will have another chance to make a first impression during orientation!

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Roving Reporter: Housing Day Reactions


{shortcode-9bb9a703a6edc79d7cf2d9d59de560b22f83547c}Each spring Harvard first-years are sorted into one of twelve upperclassmen houses, where they will spend their next three years. We set out across the Yard to see how the Class of 2024 reacted to the results of this year's virtual Housing Day.


Check it out on the Crimson’s Youtube channel (and send your Quad & Kirkland friends some love)!



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Email Send Offs as the Ivy League


{shortcode-e44183915436de8a610ef1afaad4459c69989203}Although the eight Ivy League schools boast diverse student bodies, each still has their own unique characteristics and identity. Thus, using a comprehensive Google search to analyze Harvard and its seven Ivy League siblings, Flyby presents the definitive list of Ivy League schools as email send offs.


Harvard – "Best,"


The email version of the infamous brag: “I go to a small liberal arts college outside of Boston.” While this send off doesn’t really mean that we are proclaiming our superiority in our email correspondence, it is a subtle way to remind people that Harvard students are the ~best~. ;)


Yale – "My Best,"


In an effort to one-up Harvard a la Veritas versus Veritas et Lux, you can expect Yale’s email send off to be similar to Harvard in a totally not suspicious at all way. Hence, instead of the simple “Best,”, it is now “My Best,”.


Princeton – "Sincerely Yours,"


It’s the classic email send off. While effective and professional, it’s also boring, preppy, and forgettable. Basically Princeton.


Columbia – "xoxo, Gossip Girl"


Enough said.


Brown – "Sending Good Vibes," or "Peace,"


The perfect email send off for the Hippie School of the Ivy League. Brown is known for being the chill and socially-conscious Ivy. Good vibes all around.


UPenn – "I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience."


This gives off business, professional, but also sliiiightly demanding vibes. Thus, it’s perfect for the heartless future Wall Street bankers from the Wharton School of Business.


Dartmouth – "Cheers,"


The only send off that truly captures the spirit of Keggy the Keg. Besides, considering Hanover’s location in the middle of nowhere, maybe this is how Dartmouth students stay happy: By constantly reminding themselves to “cheer up!” Or maybe they’re genuinely having a great time out in Somewhere, NH? The world may never know.


Cornell – "Sent from my iPhone"


Is “Sent from my iPhone” even an email send off? Anyways, it’s perfect for everyone’s favorite “Fake Ivy.”


Although often lumped together, all eight Ivy schools have unique vibes in their own right. We hope seeing them as different types of email send offs gives you a taste of what each school is truly all about!

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