Crimson staff writer

Alina A. Taratorin

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Flyby Manifests: Smooth Sailing

After the last few months with classes back in-person and ~relatively~ normal, there are many things to feel hopeful about when looking toward the future. Whether that be anything from having a normal sleep schedule to making it onto Dean of the College Rakesh Khurana’s instagram — join Flyby in manifesting smooth sailing from here on out.

How To: Spice Up Reading Period

It’s the end of the semester. You’ve watched the past few months flyby (pun intended) and it somehow feels as though you’ve done absolutely nothing with your time aside from testing the limits of your Zoom lecture attention span or analyzing the optimal level of procrastination. Luckily, flyby is here to add a little thrill to your life with 7 ways to spice up the last few weeks of the semester.

Roving Reporter: Harvard Housing Day Reactions

Each spring Harvard first-years are sorted into one of twelve upperclassmen houses, where they will spend their next three years. We set out across the Yard to see how the Class of 2024 reacted to the results of this year's virtual Housing Day.

8 Pandemic Phrases That Would Normally be Bizarre

Today’s pandemic world feels like an alternate dimension, yet we keep hearing the term “new normal”. And, after taking a step back, you realize how much society has already adapted to this “new normal” without fully being aware of it. As proof, here are some common phrases we’ve started saying because of the pandemic that would have sounded crazy to us before ’rona moved in.

Flyby Investigates: Ways To Stay Motivated for the Last Weeks of the Semester

With every month, it grows exceedingly more difficult to stay at least somewhat motivated and catch up on the 10 lectures you’ve missed. Luckily, flyby is here to help you finish off the last stretch of the semester strong!

Lowell House

Welcome to Lowell House, whose refined features and quirky traditions make it the envy of all. At Lowell House, the Thursday Teas, newly renovated common spaces, and vibrant communities will make you feel right at home!

A Harvard Student's Guide to Tinder... in a Pandemic

If there's anything we've gained from this global pandemic, it's a deep, crushing need for social connection. Woo! If you're anything like us and Tinder has become your latest go-to spot for conversation and/or validation, follow this guide to make sure your profile is in good shape for your next swiping session.

Four Situations More Awkward Than Breakout Room Icebreakers

Most of us would agree that breakout room icebreakers can be extremely painful, but there's got to be something worse... right? Whether it's our sudden lack of social skills after ten months of hiding indoors, our inability to actually recognize anyone from the shoulders down, or just plain old forgetting to mute yourself — next time you're stuck in another breakout room with strangers sitting in total silence, just remember that it could probably be worse!

Graph of My Motivation Over Reading Period

‘Tis the season for... reading period! This year, reading period looks quite a bit different in more ways than one. I mean, who doesn't dream of studying for final exams in their childhood bedroom as they're being stared down by the five-foot horse poster that's been living on the wall ever since their horse girl phase in 2010? That's right, nobody. In any case, my motivation levels are all over the place, so hopefully you relate to this desperate cry into the void too.

motivation levels reading period

motivation levels reading period