Outings & Innings Extends Discounts to Harvard Students

Although Boston is only a short T-ride away from the Square, most Harvard students rarely visit our neighbors across the River. While the Square offers an abundance of activities, there is still a whole world—or at least an easily accessible city—out there to explore.
As a result of Harvard's recent expansion of the Outings & Innings program to students, undergraduate and graduate students now have the opportunity to purchase discounted tickets to attractions in the greater Boston area without even leaving the Square.
The office, located at 9 Holyoke St., is open Tuesdays through Fridays and offers tickets and discounts on everything from museum passes to snowboard lessons and movie tickets. Those desiring a little more adventure should check back in early April to get discounted tickets to Six Flags New England.
Visit the Outings & Innings website to check out the rest of the discounts they offer, though be aware that the office is cash only.