The blog of The Harvard Crimson

Halloween Fun in Harvard Square


It's that time of year again when pumpkins fill the back wall of Annenberg, Starbucks brings back the Pumpkin Spice Latte, and students flock to The Garment District. The abundance of free treats and fun of the holiday can be overwhelming. But luckily, Flyby is here to help with a guide to the Halloween activates around Harvard Square.


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Free Ben & Jerry's


Ben & Jerry's is at it again. Free ice cream in front of Dudley House. The only flavor offered is Jimmy Fallon's Late Night Snack, featuring fudge-covered potato chips.

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Marriage Talk, Horseless Carriages, and the Sackler in Mourning


Every week, The Crimson publishes a selection of articles that were printed in our pages in years past.


October 24, 1924: Eliot Predicts Race Suicide in Talk To Harvard Dames


"Is marriage the most important thing in life?" was the question discussed by President Eliot at a meeting of the Harvard Dames held yesterday afternoon at Phillips Brooks House.


"I have asked many young men and women this question", said President Eliot, "and the majority say \'Yes\'. But there is a growing number of young women who desire to have an independent life with intellectual and financial freedom. I cannot say that I consider this career better than the career of motherhood."', [])

Cambridge Does Food Day: A Review


As a self-proclaimed foodie whose hobbies run gamut of anything food-related—from trying out different eateries in Boston to taking pictures of food to writing about food—I would never miss the opportunity to sample delicious tidbits from some of the best restaurants in Harvard Square at a free event yesterday.


In honor of Food Day, an annual celebration that promotes healthy, sustainable, and affordable food, Harvard Square Business Association organized a tasting event showcasing food samples from about nine local restaurants. All the dishes at the events were made with ingredients sourced within 20 miles of Cambridge, MA.', [])

MIT > Harvard? Flyby Investigates.


Last week\'s earthquake marked the start of tectonic changes in the Cambridge area—U.S. News and World Report just released their 2012 "World\'s Best Universities" rankings and MIT has leapfrogged over both Cambridge and Harvard to claim glory in the form of a #1 ranking.


In the name of all that is good and veritaffle-ly, how did MIT sneak by? The rankings take into account six factors: academic reputation, faculty-student ratio, citations per faculty, employer reputation, proportion of international faculty, and percentage of international students. But rather than delving into the exact methodology of the rankings, Flyby decided to investigate some more sensible explanations.


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10 Harvard-Themed Halloween Costumes


Mid-October means the end of warm weather and the start of midterm season for most Harvard students—but that's no reason for distress. With Halloween right around the corner, now's the time take a break from studying or despairing about the cold to come up with the perfect costume idea. With that in mind, here are ten suggestions for Harvard-themed costumes that will help you showcase your school spirit.


1. John Adams, Class of 1755


If you have an old white wig lying around, now is the time to dust it off.



2. John Harvard's Boot


Exactly like what it sounds like. Golden sheen is optional.



3. Jeremy Lin '10


Acquire a trio of Lin jerseys from his days with the Harvard Crimson, the New York Knicks, and the Houston Rockets, and go with a couple friends as the past, present, and future of Harvard's biggest sports star. Be sure to make jokes about taking your talents to Harvard Square.


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Killer Caffeine?


Midterm season is upon us. As students are forced to run on two hours of sleep a night, proofreading papers and reviewing lecture notes, it\'s not news that many of us turn to caffeine for that extra boost. And we\'ve gotten really creative when it comes to our favorite recreational drug, pounding back coffees, slurping energy drinks, and even popping the occasional caffeine pill. But even if 5-hour ENERGY does get our hearts racing, few students venture to assume that our caffeine intake could seriously harm us.


As it turns out, the FDA is reportedly investigating five deaths linked to Monster energy drinks.', [])

Harvard Square Celebrates Food Day


In honor of Food Day—a national event that promotes healthy, affordable, and sustainable food—Harvard Square has partnered up with local restaurants to offer delicious events for foodies, health-conscious eaters, and sustainable diners alike.', [])

Gawker Strikes at Harvard Again and Again


Going to a reputable university like Harvard has its downsides: having to drop the H-Bomb, saying you go to school in Boston, and dealing with so called "Harvard Problems." We\'ve all heard people say "I have too many amazing classes to choose from"\xa0or "I have to climb too many stairs to get to my room because of the high ceilings." As a reprieve, Flyby brings you a list of some "humbling" posts from Gawker and Jezebel.


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When To Do Nothing


In 1990, a team of scientists re-created the impacts of the September 1938 hurricane in a two-acre patch of the Harvard Forest by flattening the majority of the trees. According to an article published in the Harvard Gazette, after monitoring the forest for 20 years, they found that leaving the forest as was with the watch-and-wait policy and not engaging in salvage logging, as is a common response to storms, allows the forest to naturally recover to its lush, healthy state.


Here are some other examples of times when "doing nothing" is the best course of action:


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Flyby's Third (and Final!) Presidential Debate Recap


Last night, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney sat down for a third and final presidential debate before election day. Although the close proximity of the candidates and moderator Bob Schieffer didn't quite produce the verbal fireworks we saw between Joe Biden and Paul Ryan when they were seated in the same format two weeks ago, we did hear quite a lot from both sides of the table (literally). Fortunately, Flyby stayed alert and on BS-patrol. For one last time, we're back to help you sort through some of the evening's more memorable moments. ", [])

Sites and Sounds: Inman Square


Looking for a cool place to get away, but midterms keeping you busy? Earlier this month FM writer Lynn Miao provided some hot spots to visit in Inman Square. If you can't get to Inman, we'll bring Inman to you. This video follows the sites and sounds you'll see walking along Cambridge Street.

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Hidden Study Spaces, Just in Time for Midterms!


With midterm season underway and constant reminders of imminent finals, stumbling across an empty reading room is often a welcome discovery.


Questioning the students and faculty behind the circulation desks yielded the consensus that hidden gems of underused library facilities are a rarity on campus, but there are still places to study where an open seat and quiet atmosphere are guaranteed.', [])

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