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The Freshmen-Electives-Athletics-Tennis-Base-ball-The Foot-ball Revival-The Library.

HANOVER, N. H., Nov. 4, 1882. The friends of Dartmouth watched with considerable interest the incoming of the present freshman class. It was thought by many that the way in which the college troubles of last year were magnified and exaggerated by certain reckless newspaper correspondents, would be the means of decreasing the number of applicants for admission this fall. This would doubtless have been the case had it not been for the foresight of the trustees and faculty. A new course of study was prepared for candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Arts, made up of prescribed electives and optional studies, and substituted for the old prescribed course. The three vacancies in the corps of instructors were filled by the selection of young and active men, well qualified for their positions. A full account of all the changes was made public, and the result awaited with interest. Happily the judgment of the "powers that be" was not erroneous, the new class proving large in number and composed of good material. The new instructors are R. B. Richardson, Yale, '69, professor of the Greek language and literature; C. F. Richardson, Dartmouth, '71, professor of Anglo-Saxon and English literature, and C. H. Cooper, Dartmouth, '77, tutor in Greek and instructor in history.

Athletics are more prosperous than usual. After due consideration, an extra hour daily has been granted by the faculty to the students for the purpose of exercising. This unexpected manifestation of the interest felt by the faculty in our sports is so appreciated by the students that a strict conformity to all the college laws regulating athletic sports is adhered to, and immediately upon the stroke of the three o'clock bell all games upon the campus cease, and five minutes later not a player of any kind can be seen.

A dozen or more tennis courts have been laid out, and between one and three o'clock daily every court is occupied. A few are endeavoring to introduce lacrosse, but the accomplishment of their purpose is doubtful.

The prize series of base-ball games was completed last Saturday, and resulted as follows: First, '83; second, '84; third, '85; fourth, '86; fifth, agricultural department. Owing to a disputed decision of the directors, the medics withdrew their nine, and participated in none of the games. Since entering college the '83 nine has won fifteen victories and suffered, two defeats. Capt. Cushman of the university nine is practising his men but little now, expecting to put them in training in the gymnasium soon. Four of the university nine of last season were members of the class of '82-Mathewson, Parker, Partridge and Webster. Mathewson, however, is studying in the Dartmouth Medical School, and will play this season. The nine for this year, so far as it has been formed, will consist of Mathewson, c.; Gay, p.; Hale, 1b.; Chellis, 2b.; Nettleton, 3b.; Cushman, ss.; Coombs, c. f. The other positions will be filled from the following-named men: Sinkey, Douglass, Springfield, Fall, Dickey and House. A. A. Maxwell, '83, is the manager of the nine.

The college has gone wild over Rugby, and the prospects of the university foot-ball team are quite good. W. W. Niles, '83, is manager, and H. A. Drew, '83, captain. The names of the players are: Full-back, Gove; half-backs, Brooks, Oakes; quarter-back, Cushman; rushers, Drew, Towle, Weston, Nettleton, Brown, Rand and Rolfe; substitutes, Hulbert, Sargent, Bennett, Chellis. Capt. Greeley of the second Rugby team has his men out daily, and is giving the university team some excellent practice.

In the college library many improvements in classification and arrangement have been introduced. The assistant-librarians for this year are Patterson, '83; Barrett, '83; Braley, '83; Willard, '84. The Greek letter societies are considering the question of initiating the freshmen this fall, instead of deferring it till spring, as has been the custom heretofore.

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