
Harvard Lampoon Claims The Crimson Endorsed Trump at Pennsylvania Rally


Mass. DCR to Begin $1.5 Million Safety Upgrades to Memorial Drive Monday


Harvard Football Topples No. 16/21 UNH in Bounce-Back Win


After Tough Loss at Brown, Harvard Football Looks to Keep Ivy Title Hopes Alive


Harvard’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions Increased by 2.3 Percentage Points in 2023



Tufts College has established a base-ball nine. H. E. Snow is captain.

The founder of Fisk University has been arrested for swindling.

When Snodkins was home his girl told him that absence had only made her heart grow fonder - of the other fellow.

A strong effort is to be made to have women admitted to all the rights and privileges of the University of Pennsylvania.

The best records in bicycling in this country stand : 1-mile time : 2m. 58 5/8s. 2-mile time : 6m. 21 3/4s. 5-mile time : 16m. 10 3/4s.

Dr. Phillips Brooks and President D. C. Gilman, of Johns Hopkins are among the trustees of the $1,000,000 Slater fund for the education of freedmen.

A society has been organized in Germany whose object is to shorten hours of school work, and introduce and cultivate out-door games among the students of the higher schools.

The Lasell Leaves speaks in rapturous terms of a "Spring, spring, beau - " But why she should prefer a spring beau to any other kind of a beau is not stated. But we have no doubt that a pearl-satin bow would prove just as satisfactory; or a bouquet; or even a Bo Peep spring bonnet.

At the funeral of the late esteemed Jesse James, murderer by profession, the "President of Liberty College" officiated and delivered a touching eulogy upon the deceased. We have no doubt Liberty College is one of the Western institutions whose curriculum "is fully on a par with Harvard's"

The corporation of the Institute of Technology, at a fully attended meeting Wednesday evening, unanimously decided to proceed immediately to the erection of a building for workshop purposes on that portion of Trinity square at the junction of Boylston street and Huntington avenue, which was donated to the institute by the State some years since.

"A number of well-known lawyers of New York," says the Nation, "have united in an appeal to the friends of Harvard University, and especially of the Harvard Law School, for the purpose of raising a fund to add to the endowment of the law school library. A fund of $40,000 has already been secured, but $30,000 to $40,000 more is needed."

The London correspondent of the New York Times thus moralizes; "There is no greater snob than your university snob, no more outrageous cad than your cad who has worn an academic gown. This admitted, comes the concession that your university gentleman is a noble type of courtesy and good manners, and thus the debtor side of the ledger is pretty well balanced. There was a time when "rank and birth" held possession of the colleges. Now "shoddy" and "finance" are represented there, and somehow they assume the by-gone airs of the old aristocrats."

There is a movement to withdraw the Oxford-Cambridge race in future from the Thames and London crowds, and remove it to Henley. The professionals don't think much of the race. The New York Times says of the crews and the race : "They are university men, and their friends have made the event fashionable, and added to this is the tremendous "spurt" which national taste has given to all kinds of out-door sports during the last quarter of a century. It was something like fifty years ago that boat-racing became a feature of university pastimes, and it was distinctly the introduction of Eton boys, who took with them to Oxford and Cambridge this especially popular sport of their youth. The first races on the Cam were "bumping" races; that is, one boat started first, and if the following crew could run their bow into the stern of the other this was victory. This led to regular racing as now in vogue, though "bumping" contests are still engaged in by the rural colleges, and they are often features of country regattas. It was in 1829, and in the summer, that the first race between Oxford and Cambridge was rowed at Henley-on-Thames."

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